Page 40 of Quiet & Kilted
Zoe smiled tightly. “Zoe Green.”
“Aren’t you thelibrarian?”
“I am. Were you interested in checking out a book? I can make numerous recommendations. Which authors do you enjoy?”
The woman’s bright red lips opened and closed several times in shock. Glaring at Nate, she hissed, “This the best you can do?”
“Since I demand the absolute best after the harsh lesson of knowing Jess…yes. Zoe is the best. Thank you for noticing.” Nate’s hand was clenched in a fist on the table. “I suggest you take your ass out of here, Jolene.”
With a smug smile, she pointed at him. “Wait till Jess hears aboutthis. I can’twaitto be the one to tell her.” She tossed her long hair again and turned on her heel to leave the diner.
Nate and Mandy shared a look and turned to Zoe. They were angry and horribly embarrassed at the scene.
“That was your mother’s sister, I take it?” Mandy nodded. She looked like she was about to cry. “It’s alright, sweetheart. Don’t worry.”
Nate inhaled carefully. “Jolene and Jessica hate each other. They’re both awful. Jolene will call and make her crazy. I’m sorry, Zoe.”
“Sorry forwhat?” She smiled. “You didn’t do anything and have no reason to apologize.” Reaching out, she took Mandy’s hand. “I thought we could work on your speech this weekend. You’re going to do great. You’re a natural. It was always hard for me.”
Father and daughter took deep breaths, their bodies visibly relaxing.
Zoe worked to get their minds off the stressful interruption and soon enough, they were able to regain the mood before the unpleasant reminder about Mandy’s biological mother.
Some situations, some people, never got easier to handle.
Chapter Twelve
One Friday afternoon, Zoe got out of her car in front of the library after her meeting with the city to discuss requirements for child care centers in Colorado. Her mind was on what she would do with Nate and Mandy over the weekend.
Nate had mentioned camping when the weather warmed up but she was worried about leaving Maximus for too long. She laughed a little to herself as she wondered if cats enjoyed camping trips.
Distracted, she slung her laptop bag over her shoulder and closed her trunk. She jumped as she turned and faced a tall, curvy blonde who’d approached while she wasn’t paying attention.
Similar to Mandy’s aunt from the diner, though younger and more beautiful than Jolene, she wore an expression that identified them as nasty-tempered family.
Clearly, she’d been waiting for Zoe. Smiling, she moved to walk around her but found the way blocked by the other woman’s body. Hands on her hips, she stood between Zoe and the curb.
“I hear you’re deaf so I’m gonna talk real slow and real clear. I’m Jessica, Nate’swifeand Mandy’smom.” She exaggerated her lip movements the way some spoke to the deaf as if they were also stupid. “Nate is the only man Ieverloved. Mandy ismylittle girl.”
Frowning, Zoe signed as she spoke. Something told her it would annoy the other woman and she was correct. Jessica glanced around to make sure no one could see them talking.
“If I’m not mistaken, you and Nate are divorced and you lost custody of Mandy due to negligence and abandonment…”
“Shut your fucking mouth.” The look on the blonde’s face was more than a little terrifying. “You don’t know shit. I don’t want you near my family. They’ve been lonely without me. You were nothing but a temporary replacement so…”
“I don’tknowyou. Why are youtalkingto me?”
Zoe was unaccustomed to physical confrontation but there was no doubt in her mind that Nate’s ex-wife was not. In fact, Jessica almost lookedhopefulfor a chance to fight someone. The realization caused her severe anxiety but she was determined to stand her ground.
The woman moved closer and pointed one finger in Zoe’s face. “Don’t you dare interrupt me. I’ll hurt you.” Her eyes roved down Zoe’s body with a look of disgust. “You’re a piss-poor substitute for what I have to offer. Stay away frommyman andmykid. I have a lot of family around here but I don’t need them to make my point.”
Zoe stared into the woman’s eyes and couldn’t detect a singleglimmerof sanity. Nate and Mandy avoided talking about her and she hadn’t wanted to press. She only knew small pieces of their history and none of it was good.
“Why would you mention your family in your threats? It didn’t appear that you and your sister were very close. It seemed she was almost excited to make you angry.” Tilting her head, she added, “If you’re worried about Nate and Mandy, genuinely love them, it’s strange that they haven’t seen you in years.”
“Keep running your mouth.” Jessica’s red lips lifted in a slow smile. “You don’tbelongwith them. I fit with Nate and youneverwill, little deaf girl. That’smykid. I got stretch marks to prove it. I’m back now. They don’t need their littlecharity casearound anymore.”
The cruel words hit Zoe in a place she worked hard to crush down inside herself. “I wonder if you consider Nate’smotherandsistercharity cases as well. That would be odd given how close all of them are. I got the impression you and Noel didn’t see eye to eye.”