Page 41 of Quiet & Kilted
The nervousness that crossed Jessica’s face was undeniable. She quickly covered it with false bravado. “Like that bitch matters. I’m settling in like I never left. I moved in last night and Nate welcomed me home in a way I can still feel this morning. Mandy made me breakfast before school. They’re thrilled to have me back so don’t bother them again.”
“Really?” Zoe smiled. “I made them dinner at their house last night and we spent hours watching old movies. I didn’t see you there.”
“You fucking cunt…”
“Furthermore, Nate stopped by my house this morning to drop off my laptop bag that I’d mistakenly left in the den. Strange that he didn’t mention you. As for Mandy making you breakfast, she was with him and they were starving. We grabbed pancakes at the diner before he had to take her to school.”
Jessica reached out and grabbed a fistful of her sweater. “I could beat you to death with my bare hands.”
“Messy…lots of evidence left behind using that method. You should really think this through,” Zoe murmured. On the inside, she was shaking like a leaf but fought to hide it.
“Fine. You don’t give a shit about your life. Let me put it a different way. You stay away from my family. I don’t share. They might not be with me but they goddamn well aren’t going to be with some plain little deaf librarian. I can make shit hard for them so you keep that in mind. You leave them alone or I fuck up their lives hard core.”
“Don’t you dare…”
“Or what? I’ve fucked half the cops in this town and have dirt on the other half. You haven’t got a chance against me.” She shoved Zoe away from her. “I see you near them again and I’ll start tearing their life down one brick at a time.”
Then she turned and walked away.
Jessica was a beautiful woman with severe mental problems. It was easy to see what Nate had originally seen in her and where Mandy got a lot of her beauty. There was also no mistaking why he removed the woman from both their lives.
Zoe leaned against her car and took a deep breath.
Beth was suddenly in front of her. It seemed she’d seen Jessica talking to her from inside the library. “Don’t listen toanythingthat horrible woman says, Zoe. I went to school with her and she’s completely nuts. Don’t pay any attention to that bitch.”
“I need to think. Can you cover the afternoon for me, Beth?” Her insides were in chaos as she considered the woman’s threats against two people she deeply, sincerely loved.
“Of course! Do you want me to call the police or anything?”
Shaking her head, she replied, “No. Until I think this through, I want to keep it quiet. Some of the things she said could be a problem.” Staring off toward the mountains and Nate’s land, she added, “Just cover for me and I’ll take today to think.”
“Girl, take the weekend. I’ve got this. All the ladies are in today and tomorrow. We don’t have any big events going on.”
“Thanks, Beth.”
Zoe got back in her car and drove home.
She changed into comfortable clothes and made a fresh pot of coffee. After petting Maximus, she made a decision.
Removing her laptop, she selected a contact she had a feeling would have some excellent advice.
Hi, Noel.
I’m so sorry to bother you but I wanted to tell you about something that happened today. Jessica was waiting for me at the library. She made threats against me and then made threats about destroying Nate and Mandy’s lives if I didn’t leave them alone.
The reason I’m writing you is that nothing seemed to shake her confidence until I mentioned your name. That got a reaction and if I’m not mistaken, it was fear.
Since I’ve known Mandy, she’s often discussed what a fascinating contradiction her “Aunt No-No” is because you’re a teacher for the deaf as well as a “certified badass.” I wonder if you possibly had a run-in with Jessica in the past and if you might have some advice on how I should handle this?
If anything happened to Nate or Mandy because of me, I would never forgive myself. I don’t want to lose them but I don’t want Jessica to take out her rage and insanity on them. I’m not sure what to do. Perhaps you won’t know either but I couldn’t think of anyone else to ask.
When she was done, she hit send and made herself a cup of coffee. To occupy her mind, she cleaned her already clean house.
Less than twenty minutes later, she received a message from Noel. It was short and very much to the point.
Zoe, let me handle this. You’re the best thing to ever happen to my brother and my niece. I’ll take care of it. You just breathe. Noel