Page 70 of Never Falling
"Well, we owe a hundred and fifty grand on the line of credit."
"We owe three hundred grand on the house."
"But I thought you were close to paying that off."
"We remortgaged. The interest rates were so low, and I thought I was going to get that promotion and a raise and—"
"And it's looking like Rosalie's wedding is going to be at least fifty to a hundred grand."
"Dad, you just tell her that—"
"I don't want to break her heart. You know she's always wanted to have a lavish wedding. And I promised her from a little kid ..."
I sighed. "Anything else?"
"Well, there's the boat."
"The boat? I thought you weren't going to get a boat till next year, Dad."
"Well, they had a sale, and ..."
"How much do you owe on the boat?"
"A hundred and fifty grand."
"A hundred and fifty grand!" I was almost shouting now. "Dad, how much in debt are you?"
"Close to half a million, or maybe a bit more.” He sounded nervous. "I know it's a lot of money, and I'm going to try to sell the boat. But once you take that thing off the lot, it's not worth anything; same with the truck. And we can't sell the house! It's where you kids grew up, and—"
"Dad, I don't have five hundred grand available." I sighed. "I mean, I have it in retirement accounts. I can see what I—"
"No, Son, I don't want you to dip into your retirement accounts."
I thought back to the job I'd just been offered. "I mean, let me see what I can do. Okay?"
"Okay," he said, "and please don't tell Rosalie or Oliver or anyone."
"I won't. I'll be in contact."
"Thank you, Son. You know we love you. And we're so proud of you and what a success you are."
"Thanks, Dad." I hung up and rubbed my forehead. I was starting to get a headache.
I knew my dad wasn't great with money, but I hadn't expected that he would be this much in the hole. And I knew that I couldn't tell Rosalie either because she'd panic. She was a panicker, and I didn't need her feeling stressed out. But shit, I didn't know what I was going to do.
I'd have to take the job. I knew it in my heart and my head.
At that moment, a text message came through on my phone, and I picked it up. It was Alice. I smiled as I opened it.
Alice: Want to watch a movie tonight???
I was about to respond "Yes" when I started to hesitate. I didn't want us growing closer. I didn't want us feeling attached. And I didn't want us to go to that next level, which I knew we were very close to going to.
I wanted her, and I knew she wanted me. But if I was going to leave and go to South America for two to three years, it just wouldn't be right. I couldn't do that with her. I couldn't be intimate with her. I knew she was the sort of person who developed feelings quickly, and I didn't want to lead her on. And right now, my first priority was my family. My first priority was to get my parents out of the hole and to help pay for Rosalie's wedding.