Page 71 of Never Falling
I knew Oliver had offered to pay, but I knew my parents were proud. I knew they went by the old-school rule that the bride's parents should pay, which I thought was absolutely ridiculous. I knew I wouldn't tell Rosalie, but I'd have to speak to Oliver. He'd keep it a secret because he'd want what was best for Rosalie.
I stared at the phone as another text message came through from Alice.Alice: It doesn't have to be a rom-com. I heard there's a new Bruce Willis movie out. Or maybe not Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone.
I burst out laughing at that. How could she get Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis confused?
Me: I might have to work tonight, but if not, sure.
Alice: Cool. Well, I'm off to a job interview now. Wish me luck.
I stared at the message. "Good luck," I said, and then I turned my phone over and sat back in my chair. I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a deep sigh.
I was confused and conflicted, and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to see where this could go with Rosalie, but I knew that the timing was all wrong yet again.
Iwas excited to see Foster and ask how his work day had been. I was also excited to tell him about the job interview I had the next day for a marketing company. I didn't know much about marketing, but I assumed it couldn't be that hard. I was the queen of social media and always got hundreds of likes on all my posts on Instagram and Facebook. And I'd had a couple of viral TikTok videos as well. So I was pretty confident that I could handle a marketing job.
As I watched TV on the couch and waited for Foster to come home, I also realized that I needed to call Rosalie. I wanted to do it over the phone because I wasn't sure I could stand to see the hurt in her eyes when I told her about that night so many years ago. It had felt great getting it off my chest with Molly, but then I felt incredibly guilty. I was going to ask Foster what he thought when he got home. He would most likely say that I should speak to Rosalie in person, and I had a feeling he would be right.
I heard the keys jiggling in the door, and I quickly turned the volume on and sat back, and pretended that I was engrossed by the TV. As Foster walked into the apartment, I looked over casually. "Oh hey, you're home," I said as if I hadn't been waiting excitedly for the last couple of hours.
"Hey," he said. "How's it going?"
"Not bad. How was work? Make lots of money today?" I stopped. "Sorry."
"Hey, no worries. Work was good. I had a meeting with Travis, and he's really impressed with my work product, and he kind of offered me a promotion."
"Wow. That's amazing. Congratulations."
"Thank you. I'm not sure if I'm going to take it yet, but—"
"Oh my gosh. Why wouldn't you take it?" I stood and stared at him in surprise.
"Oh a couple of different reasons," he said, shrugging. "So you said you have an interview tomorrow?"
"Yeah. For a marketing job."
"Cool. I didn't know you were into marketing."
"I'm into anything that can pay me right now," I said, laughing. "Shit. Who knows? Maybe I'll end up working in finance as well."
He stared at me curiously. "Are you interested in finance? I didn't know that."
"I mean, kind of. Yeah. I've always been thinking about CDs and 401ks and IRAs and Roths."
"You mean a Roth IRA?"
"Yeah. Yeah. As opposed to, you know, the other kind of IRA."
"Well, there are a few," he said, smiling. "You have traditional."
"Exactly. Traditionals are amazing."
"Not so good for taxes later in life. I normally encourage people to do a backdoor Roth."
"Oh okay. Yeah. I've heard of that," I lied, having no idea what he was talking about.