Page 22 of Finding his Goddess
“No problem.” Lucy lifted her chin. “I was in drama all through school—just follow my lead.”
“Drama?” T’zaren asked, frowning.
“Sure, you know? Putting on plays? Entertainment? Telling a story by acting it out?” Lucy raised her eyebrows. “Is any of this making sense to you?”
“Yes. We have…entertainments on my home world.” He nodded slowly. “Sometimes aS’renthaand her chosen male will choose to demonstrate their love to others.”
“Demonstrate their love?” Lucy asked. Was he talking about some kind of porn? “We didn’t do anythingsexualin drama,” she said quickly. “I mean, I was in a production of Kinky Boots in college but—”
Just then the viewscreen flared to life again and the words died in Lucy’s mouth.
Twa’linda the Twainer looked nothing like she had expected.
“Am I on? Is this working? Hello?” The person on the viewscreen leaned closer, frowning. Then finally, she appeared to see Lucy. “Oh,hello,my dear! I’m Twa’linda. And you are?”
Lucy sat up straighter in her chair and smiled engagingly.
“Hello, Lady Twa’linda, I’m Dr. Lucille Heartwood,” she said. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
She was trying to project a confident, professional demeanor, but she couldn’t help studying the woman in front of her.
Twa’linda of the Two Facesdidn’tactually have two faces. She had one face—or at least, that was all Lucy could see. It was a plump, pleasant face with rounded cheeks, bright blue eyes, and a little, pale pink cupid’s bow mouth. The only strange thing about it was the fact that her skin was chalk white.
Lucy couldn’t tell if the strange coloration was due to some kind of make-up or if it was Twa’linda’s actual skin color but it extended everywhere, from her forehead down to her substantial bosom, which was plainly visible since she was wearing a very low cut gown.
The gown itself was pale pink and lacy—very feminine and soft which also seemed to be a good way to describe Twa’linda herself. She had long silver hair—not gray or salt and pepper but actuallysilver—which was loose around her shoulders. It was impossible to tell her age—she might have been anywhere from thirty to sixty, Lucy thought. Or maybe a thousand—who knew? She had no idea how long Twainers lived.
“Oh my dear, how very lovely to meet you! Aren’t youbeautiful!”Twa’linda leaned close to the screen again, studying Lucy, who was still smiling engagingly.
“Thank you so much,” she said nodding. “You’re very lovely yourself and it’s wonderful to meet you. I’d love to come and see you in person,” she added, hoping she wasn’t pushing too hard for an invitation.
“Oh of course! That would be wonderful, my dear! I justlovevisitors,” Twa’linda exclaimed. “In fact…” She broke off, looking off-screen for a moment, her cupid’s bow mouth turned down in a little frown. “Really? Must you?” she asked the unseen person. “I’m on an important business call right now, you know.” She listened a moment more—Lucy could hear a low rumble, as though a man was speaking, but she couldn’t make out the words. Finally, Twa’linda nodded. “Well, all right, if you feel you reallymust,”she said with a sigh.
Then, in a matter-of-fact way, she pulled down the stretchy top of her pale pink gown, baring two large white breasts with pale pink nipples.
“Come here, then, my sweet,” she murmured.
A large, burly man came into view. He had pale green skin and a black beard and dark eyes. At once he took one of Twa’linda’s pale pink nipples in his mouth and began to suck eagerly. As he did, his other hand came up to squeeze and massage her other large breast, causing what looked like a drop of amber liquid to bead on the puffy nipple.
Twa’linda moaned with pleasure and stroked the man’s dark hair affectionately.
“Please excuse the interruption,” she said, focusing on Lucy again. “But youknowhow manservants are. Gren’low here justlovesthe sweet taste of my love nectar and sometimes he just can’t wait to have some.”
The man grunted with obvious pleasure, as if in agreement and sucked even harder at her nipple.
“Oh, Gren’low—not so hard!” Twa’linda exclaimed breathlessly. “You’ll make my pussy all wet if you’re not careful.”
The man looked up, his eyes half-lidded with lust.
“Wouldn’tthatbe a shame, myDom’mesque?” he growled softly. “Then I might have to lap your sweet cunt and taste your love-honey as well as your nectar.”
“You naughty boy!” Twa’linda exclaimed, but it was clear she was definitely into the idea. In fact, they seemed in danger of forgetting they were on a viewscreen-conference call at all, Lucy thought.
She cleared her throat politely.