Page 23 of Finding his Goddess
“Er, since you’ve been kind enough to speak with me, I was hoping you and I could discuss some business,” she said.
“Oh, business, yes. Yes, of course.” Twa’linda made an obvious effort to focus as her manservant went back to sucking her breasts and lapping away the amber droplets which Lucy assumed were her “nectar” from her tight nipples. “Well, I dolovevisitors.” She frowned at Lucy. “Though you appear to be all alone, my dear. Do you not have a manservant with you?”
“Actually, I do.”
Lucy looked over at T’zaren. The big Monstrum was still sitting in the pilot’s chair, keeping out of sight of the section of the viewscreen which was showing Twa’linda. He had shown no reaction when the Twainer and her manservant started going at it, so Lucy wasn’t sure what he thought of the action on the screen but it was time for him to play his part.
“Come here, T’zaren,” she said, motioning for him. “Let yourself be seen.”
“Yes,Dom’mesque,” he rumbled.
She had expected him to just lean into the frame of the viewscreen but instead he slid down to kneel beside her on the floor between the seats. This put his head on the same level as Lucy’s breasts, which gave her an idea.
She wanted Twa’linda to like her and want to do business with her. And one of the best ways to establish a connection with someone was “mirroring” or doing whatever it was they were doing.
Impulsively, Lucy looped an arm around the big Monstrum’s neck and pulled his head down to rest on her left breast. She could feel T’zaren stiffen at once but, to his credit, he didn’t pull away.
“This is my manservant, T’zaren,” she said to Lady Twa’linda. Continuing the act, she ran her fingers lightly through his thick, black hair. She felt his entire big body shiver as she did so and a little surge of adrenaline raced through her.
Why did she like this so much? Touching him and feeling him react to her touch? She didn’t know why, but it wasexhilarating.
“He appears to be a very fine manservant,” Twa’linda observed. “Why do you not let him drink of your nectar?”
“Oh, er…” For a moment, Lucy was at a loss for what to say. “I’m a human from Earth. My breasts don’t make, er, ‘nectar,” she said at last, a bit awkwardly.
Lady Twa’linda didn’t seem bothered by this in the least.
“Oh, mine don’t either my dear—notnaturally, anyway. But when you come to see me I’ll give you something special to drink that will make you produce some. Not too much, you know!” she added, tittering. “Just enough for a few drops of sweetness. We don’t want tospoilour manservants after all, do we?”
“Oh, uh, certainly not,” Lucy said, trying to smile. “Oh, uh, T’zaren—what are you doing?” she added, looking down.
All this time she’d been slowly running her fingers through the big Monstrum’s hair while he sat stiffly against her with his head on her breast. But now he had turned his face and was nuzzling at her cleavage. Since her white silk blouse had the first two buttons unbuttoned, she could actually feel the rough stubble on his cheeks rubbing against the sensitive tops of her breasts. The sensation sent a shiver running through her and she bit her lower lip.
He looked up, his golden eyes blazing.
“I’m pleasuring you, my Dom’mesque,” he growled softly. “Or I’m trying to, anyway. But all this fabric is in the way.”
“Oh, uh…” Lucy didn’t knowwhatto say to this. Only a moment ago, she’d felt she had the upper hand. Now she wasn’t so sure. And Lady Twa’linda wasn’t helping the matter either.
“Oh, by all means, let your manservant suckle your nipples if he needs to,” she said airily. “We all know that males have needs that can’t always be put off. It’s tiresome at times, but it simply can’t be helped. ”
“Yes, Lady Lucille—let me suck your breasts,” T’zaren rumbled, looking up at her. “I need to feel your sweet nipples in my mouth.”
“Oh!” Lucy was thrown completely off-guard by the surge of desire his words sent through her. Mike had certainly never talked to her like this! But were they really doing this? Right here and now? A glance at Twa’linda let her know that the other woman was waiting patiently, as though she was someone on a business call who had been put on hold.
She really expects me to do this!she realized. But would T’zaren really go that far?I guess I’m going to find out,Lucy thought.
With fingers that trembled only a little, she managed to unbutton several more buttons on her blouse. Parting the white silk panels, she exposed the white, lacy bra she was wearing under it. It just happened to be a front-hook and her fingers trembled a bit more as she unfastened it. But then larger hands brushed hers aside.
“Let me, Dom’mesque,” T’zaren growled, looking up at her.
“All…all right,” Lucy said, wishing her voice wouldn’t sound so breathless. She put her hands down and watched as the big Monstrum slowly peeled the white lacy cups away from her bare breasts and tight nipples.
“Gods,” he muttered hoarsely, surveying her with obvious admiration. “So full and beautiful.” He looked up at Lucy, catching her eyes. “May I worship your breasts with my mouth, my Lady?” he growled softly. “May I suck your tight nipples and tease them with my tongue?”
“I…I…” Lucy said and then she glanced at the viewscreen again and the waiting face of Twa’linda. “I mean, of course you can,” she said, trying not to sound flustered. “You always do, after all. I mean, that’s part of having a manservant, right?” she added, looking at Twa’linda. “Letting them, um…”
“Letting me pleasure you,” T’zaren growled softly. He looked up at her and then glanced at the viewscreen, where Twa’linda was watching with apparent interest. “But myDom’mesquedoes not allow me to such her sweet nipples bare unless I have earned it,” he added. “Isn’t that right, my Lady Lucille?” He looked up at Lucy again.