Page 24 of Finding his Goddess
“Oh, uh right,” Lucy said. Her heart was pounding and she didn’t have the faintest idea where he was going with this.
“Which is why I must do this…”
Slowly he re-buttoned her blouse, though he left her bra open, so that the outlines of her nipples were clear against the thin white silk.
“T’zaren…” Lucy asked in a shaky voice. “What…what are you doing?”
“This, my Lady,” he growled softly, and then he sucked her left nipple deep into his hot mouth.
“Oh!”Lucy moaned—she couldn’t help herself. Though her blouse was between his mouth and her nipple, she could still clearly feel his tongue tracing her tight tip through the thin silk. At the same time, he cupped her right breast in his big hand, slowly teasing her other nipple with his thumb.
Sparks flew through Lucy, making her arch her back helplessly. She found herself wanting more—wishing the silk blouse wasn’t separating them. At the same time, though, she knew this was wrong. They were going too far—it was toomuch. Wasn’t it?
T’zaren didn’t seem to think so. He released her left nipple and moved to her right, sucking it through her blouse as well.
Looking down, Lucy could see the wet spot his hot mouth had left. The white silk was practically transparent there, clearly showing the tight, aching tip of her nipple pressing against the wet fabric.
“T’zaren…” she whispered, and wasn’t sure what else to say. His mouth on her felt so good—soright—even though she absolutely knew they shouldn’t be doing this… Absently, she found herself running her fingers through his thick, black hair again. She loved the feel of it—springy and coarse and silky all at once.
At her touch, a low, hoarse growl came from T’zaren’s throat and he sucked even harder, winding his long, muscular arms around her waist and pulling her towards him possessively. He was so big and Lucy could feel the tension in his body—the brute strength that could tear her apart if he wished—though at the moment he seemed completely focused on sucking and teasing her aching nipples through her blouse.
“Oh God, T’zaren,” she murmured breathlessly. “That…that feelsamazing.”
“It appears that your manservant enjoys pleasuring you even though you have no nectar to give him.” Lady Twa’linda’s voice snapped Lucy back to reality and she realized what she was doing—basically letting her co-worker suck her nipples in front of the client they were supposed to be dealing with. It was completely inappropriate behavior between the two of them, even if Lady Twa’lindadidappear to be enjoying the show.
“Um, yes…” Lucy tried to answer with a steady voice as she continued to stroke her fingers through the big Monstrum’s thick, black hair. “Er…T’zaren is extremely, er, affectionate.”
Abruptly, T’zaren pulled away from the nipple he was sucking and looked up at her with blazing golden eyes.
“I just want to serve you and worship your body with my mouth, myS’rentha,” he said hoarsely. “I wish only to pleasure you and feel you coming for me over and over as I bathe your curves with my tongue.”
“Oh…” Lucy whispered. She’d been bragging earlier that she had drama experience and knew what to do, but T’zaren was really playing his part to thehilt. Nobody who could see the two of them now would believe that they had been nothing but bickering coworkers just a few minutes earlier. The big Monstrum really was acting like a devoted manservant who wanted to serve hisS’rentha.
“How perfectly lovely!” Lady Twa’linda exclaimed, clapping her hands before Lucy could think what to say. “And just think how very much more he’ll enjoy sucking your breasts once you have some nectar for him! Oh, youmustcome to supper with me tonight and we’ll see about getting your lovely breasts filled for your excellent manservant—he certainly deserves it.”
“Um, he certainly does.” Lucy nodded and tried to smile but the fact was, her body was on fire and it was getting harder and harder to think. Because T’zaren wasn’t stopping. He was still looking up at her as he ran his tongue around each of her nipples in turn, teasing her sensitive peaks through the wet white silk and sending shivers of pure desire from her breasts straight down to her quivering pussy.
“Good! Then it’s settled. You must come to supper with me and we can talk business there. I’ll let the guards know you’re going to land on the far side of the chasm.”
“The…the far side of the chasm?” Lucy asked breathlessly. It was getting harder and harder to think with T’zaren lapping and sucking her nipples as he looked up at her with those molten gold eyes…
“Don’t worry about it my dear—the way across is quite safe. And I’ll have my guards send you the coordinates. Dinner is in two solar hours. Ta-ta!”
And she gave a little wave before the viewscreen went dark and the conference was over.
But T’zaren didn’t stop sucking her nipples.
“Er, well, I guess that’s it—we got our invitation to the stronghold,” Lucy said pointedly. “I mean, I guess…you can stop now. Right?” she added breathlessly.
“Don’t want to stop,” T’zaren’s deep voice was a low growl of desire. “Your breasts are so beautiful—your peaks are so ripe, my Lady.”
“Yes, but we shouldn’t be doing this,” Lucy reminded him. “I mean, I guess you kind ofhadto in order to sell the whole ‘manservant andDom’mesque’thing, but the viewscreen is blank now—Lady Twa’linda isn’t watching anymore.”
T’zaren pulled away and rose abruptly to tower over her.
“I don’t fucking care about the Twainer,” he said and his voice was low and hoarse and dangerous somehow. “I’ve been wanting to suck your nipples from the minute you entered Commander Rarev’s office this morning.”
“What?”Lucy couldn’t keep the shock out of her voice. This was wrong—it was sexual harassment for him to admit such a thing to her. And yet, she couldn’t help remembering thatshehad been daydreaming about the exact same thing when she’d been putting the blindfold on him in Commander Rarev’s office.