Page 25 of Finding his Goddess
But that doesn’t excuse what he did…what he said,she reminded herself. Still, T’zaren wasn’t backing down.
“You heard me,” he growled. “Do you know how hard it was for me to close your blouse and only suck your sweet peaks through the fabric? When all I wanted to do—when all Iwantto do—is rip it off you and suck as much of your ripe breasts into my mouth as I can? When all I want to do is bury my face between your thighs and—”
He broke off abruptly, an angry look coming over his face. Without another word, he sat back down in the pilot’s chair and began to work with the ship’s instruments.
Lucy put a hand on her hip.
“Why stop now? Why not tell meeverythingyou want to do?” she demanded. To her surprise, he actually answered.
“Because it can never be between us,” he growled. “And I need to remember that—you do too.”
“Look, I don’t think—”
“This can’t happen again,” he continued, as thoughshewas the one who had started it, Lucy thought indignantly.
Well actually, youwerethe one who started it when you pulled his head down to your breasts, pointed out a little voice in her head.
But I never meant for it to go so far!Lucy argued with herself.Never meant to actually let him do anything likethat!
But oh God, she could still feel his hot mouth on her breasts and when she looked down, she could plainly see the damp, see-through patches on her white silk blouse where he had sucked and tugged at her tender, aching tips. Between her thighs, her pussy was wet and hot and needy in a way it never had been when Mike had made love to her. In fact, she was worried that her panties might be wet completely through with her juices, which was both uncomfortable and embarrassing.
“Excuse me,” she said abruptly. “I’d better go change into something…uh, different.”
“That would be a good idea.” T’zaren was still tight-lipped and stern. He looked straight ahead at the viewscreen as he spoke. “Don’t be long, we’ll be landing soon.”
“Right.” Lucy nodded and left the cockpit of the small ship, going back to the living area to find her luggage. But the damp fabric clinging to her tight nipples and the wetness between her thighs wouldn’t let her forget what had just happened between herself and the big Monstrum.
Why did I do that? Why couldn’t I stop myself? I could have just nuzzled my face into her cleavage—I didn’t have to expose her nipples and then suck them through her clothing!
And yet, he hadn’t been able to stop himself. At least he’d managed to put a barrier between them—even a thin one like the white silk. If he’d been sucking her bare nipples, T’zaren didn’t think he could have stopped himself from pressing his face between her thighs and worshiping her pussy with his tongue afterwards.
She would have let him do it—he was almost certain. The scent of her feminine desire was strong in the small cabin—a pheromone-laden fragrance that drove him crazy and made his Sen Stripe flare helplessly.
I want to taste her,he thought, forcing himself to stare straight ahead instead of glancing at her retreating back as she left the cabin.I want to feel her thighs wrapped around my face and hear her calling my name as I lap deeper and deeper into her folds. I want to part her nether lips with my tongue and feel her fingers in my hair, gripping me tighter as I plunder her pussy and lap up all her honey—as I worship her the way a S’renthashouldbe worshipped.
Then he got hold of himself. Lucillewasn’thisS’rentha, he reminded himself and she wasn’tgoingto be either. She was just pretending—they were both playing parts. She had even bragged about her past history of acting out false stories for the entertainment of others. “Drama” she had called it. He would do well to remember that. And he needed to communicate it to Lucille too—ifshe was still speaking to him.
But it was some time before she came back to the front of the ship.
Oh my God, what’s wrong with me! Why did I let him do that and why do I want him to do it again? Only this timewithoutmy blouse in the way? Stop it, Lucy—you have to stop this now! You can’t act like this—it’s serious business! You can’t do this kind of thing with him—it’ so unprofessional!
But no amount of self-lecturing would cool her blood. She could still feel his mouth on her—hot and wet and urgent as he sucked and lapped at her stiff peaks.
As she opened her suitcase and chose a new top to wear, Lucy tried to push the feelings away. So what if there was some sexual tension between them? That didn’t mean they had to act on it. And besides, despite saving her life, T’zaren seemed like a grumpy, unpleasant kind of person. There was no reason she would want to have a relationship with him.
Have a relationship? Hell no. Go to bed with him? Hell yes!
She could just imagine that big, muscular body wrapped around her own and the bulge she’d seen in his leather trousers promised that he would have much more than the meager Oscar Myer wiener that had dangled between her ex, Mike’s skinny thighs.
T’zaren’s endowments were clearly of the extra-large, porn-star variety. Lucy had a vibrator that wasalmostthat big—she’d only used it when her ex wasn’t home and she’d hidden it out of sight when she was done with it. She had known that if Mike found it, it would make him feel insecure and inadequate, knowing he wasn’t really satisfying her with his skinny little dick. But now she was wondering how a real cock that size would feel inside her, filling her up, stretching her inner walls…