Page 43 of Finding his Goddess
Her fingertips found a row of buttons and she pressed one, meaning to lift herself up so that the head of T’zaren’s secondary shaft justbarelykissed the mouth of her pussy.
Unfortunately, she must have pushed the wrong button. Because instead of raising her, the metal frame of the chair’s arms began to lower, sinking her down and sliding the secondary shaft deeper and deeper inside her pussy.
“Lucille…My Lady…” T’zaren’s growled in her ear. “What in the Seven Hells are youdoing?”
“Sorry!” Lucy gasped. Had she thought that his secondary shaft was much smaller and more manageable? Well it certainly didn’t feel like that now! In fact, it seemed to be swelling—getting thicker and longer as it slid deeper and deeper into her pussy. “Why…why is it gettingbigger?”she gasped, fumbling with the buttons.
“Because you’restimulatingit,” T’zaren growled. “I thought we agreed you would only take the head inside you?”
“That’s what I’mtryingto do,” Lucy muttered back. “Here—this button must raise me up.”
But it didn’t. When she pushed the second button, it only lowered her faster until she found herself nestled securely in the big Monstrum’s lap with his secondary shaft inside her to the hilt. She could feel the broad head pressing hard against the end of her channel and the warm, slippery pleasure liquid leaking inside her and making her pussy wetter and hotter by the minute.
“Wrong…button…my Lady,” T’zaren grated out. He shifted his hips restively and Lucy moaned as the head of his cock gave the mouth of her womb a deep, intimate kiss.
“Hang on—I…I think this must be the one!” she exclaimed breathlessly.
She pressed a third button thinking surely it would be the one that raised her up…only to find that it didnothingof the kind.
As she pressed it, she felt all the wires strung from the metal frame of the chair vibrate with a musicaltwangingsound—not unlike a banjo.
And then, all Hell broke loose.
After the initial vibration, the metal wires that formed the seat T’zaren was sitting on began to bounce and jangle as they lifted and lowered the big Monstrum. They started slowly at first but then went more and more rapidly.
“Oh…Oh!”Lucy gasped For the fact that T’zaren was being lifted up and down by the entropy chair’s strings meant that his shaft was sliding in and out of her. Faster and faster the entropy chair went, lifting and lowering as it twanged musically, amounting to anextremelyenergetic—and strangely musical—fucking.
“Gods damn it—I’m going to come if we don’t stop this!” she heard T’zaren groan.
“No!” she gasped, forgetting that he’d promised her his warming cream couldn’t get her pregnant. “No—don’t come in me!”
“I won’t be able to help it if this damn thing doesn’t let me stop fucking you!” he growled, gripping her hips. “Gods, Lucille! Your soft little pussy is so hot and wet around me!”
“Well, if I’m wet it’s because you’re shooting all that, uh, warming cream stuff inside me. Oh…oh!”Lucy moaned.
The intimate friction of his thick secondary shaft sliding in and out of her was almost too much tobear. She hadn’t had sex in months and sex with Mike had never amounted to much of anything, anyway. Her ex was so small she had often thought it was like being fucked with a feather.
Not so with T’zaren. His secondary shaft had swelled until it stretched her inner walls and the broad head thrust deep inside her, reaching the end of her channel with every lunge as the chair continued to make him fuck her.
“Wait…stop…this onemustbe it!” Lucy panted.
She pressed the button but somehow found it was the one that lowered her again. The chair stopped twanging like a sex-banjo gone mad, but once more she found herself nestled in the big Monstrum’s lap with his thick shaft buried fully inside her.
“Gods, myS’rentha—forgive me but I can’t help it,” he groaned. And Lucy felt the first hot, wet spurt inside and knew the big Monstrum was coming deep in her pussy.
Maybe it was the deep fucking she’d just endured or maybe it was some chemical effect of the warming liquid his shaft produced but for whatever reason, Lucy felt herself coming right along with him.
“Oh!Oh!”she moaned, clutching at the metal frame of the chair as the pleasure rolled through her. This wascompletelyinappropriate and she knew it and yet she couldn’t seem to stop! Her inner walls were contracting, almostmilkinghim as though she was begging him to come even deeper inside her—to bathe her inner pussy utterly with his cream.
“My dear—why ever did you hit the fuck button so early in the meal?” Lady Twi’linda scolded. “You’re meant to save such activities fordessert.”
Lucy, who was still distracted with the waves of pleasure rolling through her, realized that their hostess was sitting across the table, frowning at her with apparent disapproval.
“I…I’m sorry. So sorry!” she gasped. “I…I didn’t mean to…to hit the…the fuck button!”
Her fingers found the buttons again and somehow shefinallyhit the right one. As her orgasm peaked and she began to come down the other side of the slope, she found herself being raised up so that T’zaren’s secondary shaft at last slid out of her.
Only instead of stopping with just the head inside, as she had intended, it slidallthe way out. And when the head came out of her pussy mouth, it was like a cork being popped from a bottle of champagne. A gush of creamy liquid came from her pussy, overflowing onto the leather seat strap and dripping to the floor below.