Page 44 of Finding his Goddess
“Oh no! I’msosorry!” Lucy exclaimed, feeling completely mortified. There must be aliterof the warming cream leaking out of her, she thought. Who knew a Monstrum could come so much? And he wasstillhard, too!
“My, my…he certainly did fill you up.” Lady Twa’linda shook her head and made atskingsound. “Servants—bring towels,” she added, snapping her fingers. “And please don’t worry my dear—these things happen,” she added, smiling in a kindly way at Lucy. “We’ll get you cleaned up and send for that soup before it’s ruined, shall we?”
As a uniformed server handed her a towel, Lucy nodded rather shakily. She felt tender inside and her whole body was trembling from the aftermath of her orgasm. Damn, that had beenintense!She couldn’t rememberevercoming so hard and her clit was still throbbing as though her body was threatening to comeagain.
Gingerly, she blotted at herself and T’zaren—who wasstillhard—and then the leather seat. The floor was going to be someone else’s problem—there was no way she was dismounting to clean up the puddle she’d made and then trying to get back up into the seat and mounted on T’zaren’s cock properly again.
“Very good. Servants, bring thefleur’igansoup,” Lady Twa’linda called. “And Lady Lucille, my dear, just lower yourself back down to the proper level,” she added to Lucy. “We can’t have exposed shafts at the dinner table, after all.”
“We…we can’t?” Looking across the table, Lucy saw that theDom’mesquewas seated fully in her guard’s lap so that his shaft was buried to the hilt inside her once more.
“Of course not! While we’re eating, you must conceal your manservant’s shaft within yourself,” Lady Twa’linda said primly. “That’setiquette.”
Lucy supposed it really didn’t matter anymore. The entropy chair had already made the big Monstrum fuck her and fill her with his cream—what did she care if he had to be deep inside her during the rest of dinner? Yes it was awkward but not as awkward as what they’d just been through—a banjo fucking worthy ofDeliverance.
Biting her lip, she started to reach for the buttons but T’zaren brushed her hand away.
“Allowme, my Lady,” he grated in her ear. And then he pushed the button that lowered her fully onto him again, so that his thick shaft pierced her to the core.
“Oh…uh…” Lucy wiggled uncertainly. She was still tender from the chair’s rough fucking and he was sobiginside her! She could really feel her inner walls being stretched by his smaller shaft—thank goodness she didn’t have the larger one inside her!
“My lady,whyare you shifting around like that?” T’zaren’s voice was a low, warning growl.
“I’m just trying to get comfortable!” Lucy protested. “You’re so big and you’re still sohard. Don’t Monstrum get soft after they come?”
“Of course not—how could we continue to pleasure our females if our shafts wilted after shooting?” he demanded. “Why—dohumanmales have that problem? They get soft after they shoot?”
“Some of them are soft evenbeforethey shoot,” Lucy said, thinking of Mike again. “But yes—they have what’s called a ‘recovery time’ between when they come and when they can get hard and, er, perform again.”
“No wonder so many human females are turning to Kindred and Monstrum males to find mates,” T’zaren remarked. “It’s pathetic to get soft so quickly after an orgasm.”
“Well right now I kind ofwishyou were a little softer,” Lucy muttered, wiggling again.
“What you’re doing is making meharder,”he growled in her ear. “Keep it up if you want me to come inside you again—I won’t be able to help it.”
“Sorry.” Lucy subsided at once. She was just going to have to get used to sitting there with the big Monstrum’s cock buried inside her, she supposed. She just wished she didn’t feel so swollen and achy down below! Her entire pussy felt sensitive and hot and her clit seemed to be throbbing like a second heartbeat. Did it have anything to do with T’zaren’s warming cream that he’d coated her inner folds with?
She had no idea but she told herself she would just have to ignore the strange sensations and make the best of things for the rest of dinner.
T’zaren did his best to sit perfectly still though the feeling of Lucille’s sweet, soft pussy sucking his cock was almost too much to bear. His secondary shaft wasn’t even meant for fucking—except in a bonding situation, of course. But the damn chair had forced him to fuck her so vigorously that he couldn’t help coming deep in her pussy—something which shamed him deeply since he had been trying hard not to fill her with his cream.
His primary shaft was aching too—thatwas the one he especially wished he could bury in her pussy. Of course, she was complaining of how big his secondary shaft was, even though it was much smaller than the primary one, but once the warming liquid he had filled her with took effect, she would be able to stretch easily to take the primary one.
She’s not going to take the primary one, though,he reminded himself.Because you’re not bonding her to you!
Which meant that the effects of the warming liquid wouldn’t be neutralized by his seed, which was the usual way things went with a Stri’vor Monstrum and hisS’rentha.Whichfurthermeant that Lucille might have some problems later.
Well, he couldn’t tell her that now, T’zaren thought. The servants had finally brought the soup and Lady Twa’linda was excitedly explaining all about it while Lucille tried to look bright and interested. As if either of them could concentrate on anything as banal as soup when they were so intimately joined!
There was another reason this situation upset him, though. It was the fact that the practice of “shaft sitting” wasn’t unknown among his people. It was often a trial of endurance that a female would inflict on a male when she was debating if she wanted to bond with him or not. Sometimes, if a female made the Sen Stripes of several males flare, she would even conduct this test on all of them at once in order to choose the one she wanted.
The last time he had been to his home world—before the Darklings took over—T’zaren had seen such a trial. A female had caused the Sen Stripes of three different males to flare and of course it was her prerogative to choose which one she wanted. She had lined them up, seated on chairs with their naked, hard shafts sticking up, and had tested each in turn by sitting in his lap and allowing his shaft to sink deep in her pussy.
In this case, the female in question had been facing the males and allowing their primary shafts to fill her, while the secondary shafts teased her Goddess pearl. She had taken her time choosing, riding each male to test his endurance. If a male came—shooting his seed in her pussy—he was automatically disqualified. This happened to two of the contestants and it was the third male that the female chose to be her mate.