Page 45 of Finding his Goddess
He alone had been able to withstand her sweet, sucking pussy milking his shaft as she rode him and let her breasts with their tight nipples bounce in his face. And thus he had been proclaimed the winner and had been able to claim her as hisS’renthawhile the other two had to go home in shame.
The fact that he hadn’t been able to stop himself from coming shamed T’zaren as well. He should have been able to hold out, he told himself—no matter how vigorously the entropy chair caused him to fuck the little blonde, he should have been able to stop himself from coming and filling her with his cream.
Yet he hadn’t been able to stop—Lucille had the sweetest, hottest, tightest pussy he’d ever felt and all he wanted was to fill her up again and again and bond her to him so he could go on doing it forever…
Stop it—what are you thinking?he asked himself.She can’t be your S’rentha—not really. You must stop thinking this way about her—stop feeling the need to claim her and possess her and serve her!
And yet the feelings continued to intrude, no matter how he tried to stop them. T’zaren tried to tell himself he was only feeling this way for the little female because his secondary shaft was still buried deep in her pussy…but he couldn’t quite make himself believe it.
He was beginning to have very strong feelings for the curvy little human in his lap and there didn’t seem to be anything he could do to stop them.
As it turned out,fleur’igansoup looked a lot like high quality olive oil. It was thick and viscous and clear with a slightly greenish tint to it. It wasn’t particularly hot either, which made Lucy wonder why Lady Twa’linda had been so anxious for it to get to the table before it “spoiled.”
One ate the soup using a long glass straw and the flavor reminded Lucy of wheatgrass juice, which wasn’t her favorite. Still, she sipped it politely as Lady Twa’linda chattered on about how rare it was and how difficult it was to get the ingredients.
Lucy nodded and smiled but all the while she felt like her pussy was getting hotter and more and more achy and swollen. What in theworldwas wrong with her? She didn’t dare to look down between her legs but she was extremely conscious of the fact that T’zaren’s thick shaft was still shoved all the way in her to the root, probably leaking more of that warming cream he had filled her with so copiously at the beginning of the meal.
She wished she could wiggle and try to get more comfortable, but she was well aware that might make him come in her again. So she sipped her soup through the clear glass straw and tried to smile and make polite conversation and ignore the fact that her clit with throbbing and her pussy was stuffed with the big Monstrum’s enormous cock.
Lucy was about to take another sip of her soup when she saw something strange was happening in the deep tureen the server had placed in front of her. Little black spots were appearing on the surface of the soup—little black blobs that looked like balsamic vinegar floating in olive oil, she thought.
“What are those?” she asked, using her straw to point at the black blobs.
“Oh, dear!” Lady Twa’linda sighed and put down her own straw. “They’re coming up in mine as well. Put your straw down, my dear—the soup is officially spoiled.”
“But what is it?” Lucy asked, frowning. “I mean, I don’t understand—how could the soup get ‘spoiled’ so fast when they just brought it out to us a few minutes ago?”
“Oh it has to do with thefleur’igansthemselves—the tiny, microscopic creatures the soup is made of,” Lady Twa’linda explained.
“Uh…tiny microscopic creatures?” Lucy asked, feeling sick. “Seriously?”
“Oh yes! Thefleur’igansswim in their own bile you know—that’s the soup itself,” theDom’mesquecontinued to explain. “And the job of the chef is to heat them tojustthe right temperature to stun them, so to speak. You can’t kill them outright—that ruins the flavor of the soup. You can only stun them and then eat them as quickly as possible, before they wake up and start making their waste products again.”
“Their…wasteproducts?” Lucy exclaimed.
“Oh yes—those are the black blobs you noticed,” Lady Twa’linda said, pointing with her own straw. “They’re quite bitter, you know—nothing like the clean, vegetal taste of the bile.”
“I…I see.” Lucy nodded and then picked up her glass and took several long gulps of wine. It was too sweet and had a very odd flavor but at least it took the taste of thefleur’igansoup out of her mouth. And hopefully the alcohol would kill any of the microscopic organisms that were left behind.
“Oh, do be careful with the nectar wine, my dear!” Lady Twa’linda exclaimed, watching wide-eyed as Lucy finished her glass and poured herself some more from the flagon beside her. “It takes some time to get working on you—several days in fact—but once it does you’ll need help to deal with the effects.”
“The effects?” Lucy asked, frowning in concern.
“Oh, you’ll see.” Lady Twa’linda waved a hand negligently. “Tell me why you want thedimriel?”she asked as they servers cleared away the spoiled soup and replaced it with a platter of exotic looking alien fruits.
Lucy wanted to ask more about the “effects” of the wine but now they were talking about business matters, she decided to get back to it later. And in the meantime, she wasn’t taking another sip from her glass! She explained about the Monstrum Mother Ship and the heart-rot that had gotten into the ruby-reddimrielcrystals.
“The ship is a living entity—and a female,” she said, emphasizing the sex and hoping this would appeal to Lady Twa’linda, since she was aDom’mesquewho believed all women should be dominant. “She’ll die without a heart transplant and so we’re hoping to get some untainteddimrielcrystals from you.”
“Oh, the poor thing!” Lady Twa’linda put a hand to her heart. “As I said before, ofcourseI’ll sell you the dimriel.”
“Wonderful!” Lucy sat up straighter in excitement and was reminded by a low groan from behind her that her movements were shifting T’zaren’s shaft inside her pussy. “Sorry,” she whispered over her shoulder.
“Of course, Ican’tsell it to you tonight,” Lady Twa’linda said.