Page 26 of Shattered Obsession
Chapter Twelve
Camila’s mind felt disoriented. For a moment, she wasn’t sure where she was, or whether she was awake or in a dream. Everything was dark, and when this realization hit her, she started to panic a little, until another thought popped up.
Oh. My eyes are still closed.
Still, that her mind was aware enough to make that distinction, then she was definitely waking up. Only she tried to pry open her lids and…nothing.
She couldn’t open her eyes.
What’s going on?
She was doing her best not to panic, but it was hard not to. This wasn’t something she’d had to deal with before, so she couldn’t tell what the hell was going on. And it wasn’t like the past several weeks had disappeared from her mind, either, so she knew she was still with Adrien. She had reason to feel afraid.
Did something happen recently, though?
Her more recent memories were a little fuzzy.
She had been so close, though. Day by day, watching Adrien degrade, watching and waiting for her chance to run away.
Did I? Actually run away?
It was what she wanted to hope, but she had a feeling that wasn’t it.
Calm down, Camila, think. What happened?
She tried to organize her thoughts and think back to what happened in those last moments she could remember. Something had definitely happened, something that made her very afraid. She frowned, or thought she did, as she delved deeper.
Then, in one wave, everything came back to her. Adrien unconscious, getting her hand on the collar remote and managing to run away. And of course, the bastard finding her again and…
Oh no! He killed someone again. Someone who’d been going to help her!
Her heart skipped a beat then started going really fast in her chest. Her eyes finally opened, lids pulled forcefully back at the recollection she would have rather not thought about.
Because of her, someone had died. This was a little different from Adrien killing people and involving her in his mess that was all on him. But if it hadn't been for her, that kind man who had been willing to lend her a hand had died and it was all her fault.
Camila could feel her eyes well up with tears at the thought of someone dying because of her. She attempted pull her hands up to cover her face, only to realize she couldn’t move her arms.
In the next moments, her situation registered to her.
She was lying back on what she assumed was a bed, because it was sort of soft, and a little lumpy beneath her. The inside of her mouth felt strange, like she’d eaten cotton, and moved her tongue, tried to get spit in her mouth. There was a draft, and her whole body shivered, her nipples perking up. Fuck! She was naked.
Also, none of her limbs would move no matter how much she tried.
What the fuck?
She tried moving, and her muscles were a little sluggish at first. She could barely feel her limbs, they felt so heavy, as if she were drugged. She struggled a little and found she could move them a bit, but she felt something tugging at her wrists and ankles.
Completely forgetting her reason to cry, she looked down at herself in disbelief. She was tied up, naked, on a bed.
What the hell?
She heard a derisive snort. “So you’re finally up, huh?”
Her eyes followed the sound, and she saw Adrien. Her eyes widened even more when she noticed he was also naked, sitting on a chair across the room. He picked up a bottle and drank from it. She couldn’t tell from the angle she was in, but it was probably more beer. Then, he set the bottle down, and stood.
Only, he could barely keep himself steady.