Page 27 of Shattered Obsession
“Ugh,” he groaned. “You fucking bitch. Making me work for it even in my condition. So mean of you, you know that, Camila. Why aren’t you a better wife? Hmmm?”
He stumbled his way over, looking determined and feverish. His eyes were glazed over, even as he stared at her.
“Adrien,” she whispered, her voice laced with fear and disbelief. As he got even closer, she started struggling, but all it did was make her wrists and ankles hurt from the ties around them digging in. “Adrien, please… you’re obviously not well… untie me and I’ll take care of you, okay?”
He chuckled. “Oh, you’ll take care of me, all right. But I rather like looking at you like this. Isn’t this so much better? You tied up and at my mercy. Mmmm, delicious.” He rolled his neck and gave her a look that spoke of dangerous things.
His laugh sounded delirious, but she thought that was just her. She was making rough noises in her throat as she tried to struggle harder, but it really wasn’t getting her anywhere. Then Adrien was right next to her, and he was reaching his hand to touch her. She followed that hand, and it seemed to be aimed at her breast.
“Don’t you fucking touch me!” she screeched.
Adrien stopped, but then glared at her, and she wondered if he was going to hit her. She didn’t mind him hitting her, as long as he didn’t try to touch her. It was already so humiliating that she couldn’t even cover herself in this situation. She had dissolved into sobs already, and she had to keep blinking her eyes to clear away the tears so she could watch him.
“Don’t… you dare fucking scream at me,” Adrien sneered at her, eyes squinted, voice threatening. “I’ve been putting up with you denying me for how long? You’re my wife and I’m going to do whatever I want now, Camila. I gave you too much leeway, and you mistook it for freedom and tried to leave me, didn’t you? This is your punishment. If you want to keep that noise up, I can make it worse. Do you want that, Camila? Do you want me to punish you more?”
He reached to touch her again, and Camila made a sound of disgust, but words wouldn’t come out of her throat this time. She kept squirming, so his hand landed just beneath her breast, where he’d probably been aiming. Small mercies, but she wished he wouldn’t try to touch her at all.
Thankfully, in the next moment, he did, but it was only so he could climb onto the bed. Her limbs were tied to the posts of the bed, so she was spread-eagled, and he kneeled right between her thighs. He looked her over from the top of her head to the juncture of her thighs, and a shiver of disgust ran through her body.
“Let’s get this started, hm?” He arched an eyebrow as he threw her a lecherous grin.
He licked his lips, and she watched as he took his soft penis in his hand and stroked himself. He was staring at her as he did so, thankfully not touching her yet. But after a minute, he started to frown. She looked down, and realized why.
Adrien was soft, even as he tried to stroke himself to hardness.
Camila looked at him more closely. His face was a bit red, but she’d just thought it was from the drink or his excitement. He was sweating as well, and the glaze in his eyes… he clearly had a really bad fever. He was really sick, he couldn’t even get it up, yet here he was, still trying to torture her.
Adrien groaned in frustration as he stroked himself harder, bringing his other hand underneath to play with his balls. Still, nothing.
“Fuck,” he growled, glaring down at her. Even with his mostly unfocused eyes, the glare was still frightening. “What the fuck is wrong with you! You’re so fucking disgusting, Camila, I can't even get hard!”
With a rough sound of rage, he moved to get off the bed, and almost stumbled right onto the floor before he managed to catch himself on the edge of the bed with his injured arm. He gasped in pain at the jarring of it.
She had been terrified before, but at that, she started to laugh. She laughed so hard that her stomach cramped, and her body tried to curl in on itself to relieve some of the pressure, but it didn’t happen.
“What is so fucking funny!” he screamed at her. “You’re supposed to turn me on and make me feel good, Camila! Otherwise, what good are you to me as my wife!”
That just made her laugh even louder, even harder, until she was just wheezing for breath. Her face was twisted in her hysteria and pain, but she just grinned widely at him.
Camila didn’t care anymore. He was going to torture her no matter what she did, so she told him. “I… infected… your wound,” she panted in between gasps, trying to catch her breath after all that laughing. “It’s funny, isn’t it, Adrien? With poison in your blood, of course you can't get it up!”
Adrien stared at her. The expression on his face was a mix of shock and bone-deep betrayal. It had her laughing again until tears came into her eyes, because what right did this bastard have to feel betrayed? Then, in the next second, his expression was angry, and he screamed at her.
He raised his hand, and he hit her. A backhand across her face that sent her head flying in the opposite direction. Her cheek felt as though he’d broken her cheekbone. It flared up in pain immediately. He didn’t stop there, he kept hitting her, wordlessly screaming out his rage. She couldn’t move away, but she closed her eyes and prayed that he would stop before he did too much damage.
She could barely feel the blows after the first couple, her head felt dizzy. She did turn back to look at him when the blows stopped, just in time to see that the exertion finally made him faint dead away, eyes rolling into his head as he collapsed on the floor.
Camila would have been happier for it, even, if it didn’t leave her in such an uncomfortable position with no visible means of escape.