Page 23 of Bad to the Bone
Ignoring Seamus’s growl of warning, I snatch up her right hand where they’ve had a doctor tape it up. The pinky and ring fingers are broken. She looks like she’s in pain. It’s just like Sean Fitzpatrick to not allow her any painkillers.
I might not totally trust Tiggy Fitzpatrick, but I respect her, and she’s a lass. Keeping her in pain isn’t fucking right.
I shoot Connor and Paddy a dark look. They’re officially on my shite list. I leave the lass for a few fucking hours, and she gets banged up on their watch. Fucking amateurs.
“I actually wanted to get out of having to push the grocery cart.” Tiggy tries to lighten the situation with a joke, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. She’s a tough little thing. Personally, I think Seamus might have met his match in this one.
“Nice try, but I don't push grocery carts. Ye have a husband for all that domesticated shite.”
Tiggy wrinkles her nose, her eyes widening. “I'm not about to ask my husband to come to the grocery store with me. The other housewives will stage a coup and kick me out of the club!”
My eyes dart over to Seamus – he looks fucking pissed. I don’t get to put Tiggy any more at ease. Seamus snatches her away, carrying her upstairs like a fucking caveman. I guess he doesn’t like me joking with his wife. He’s a bundle of fucking contradictions, that one.
“Wait for me in the den,” he snaps at us over his shoulder.
We troop into the den, Liam smirking at Connor and Paddy.
“What’s with the look, lad?” Paddy growls at him. Liam shrugs, dropping onto the couch and propping his foot on the low coffee table.
“Wasn’t me fucking shit up this time.” He sounds smug. Ronan smacks him upside the head while Paddy glowers at him.
Connor drops onto the couch beside Liam, sighing heavily as he pulls out his phone.
“Ye okay, Lucky?” I call over to him, leaning against the windowsill. The lad was just in a car accident, after all. His eyes dart up to me, annoyance and frustration there.
“Aye, Niall. I’m grand. Except I have to buy a fecking SUV.”
My eyebrows shoot up. Connor loved his sleek, black sedan. “Surely ye can get a replacement car?”
“No, I can’t,” Connor mutters sullenly. “Fitzy’s put his foot down. I’m only allowed an SUV. It’s safer.”
He pulls a face, but Ronan nods across at him, lounging in an easy chair.
“And so it is, Lucky. Fitzy wouldn’t let ye drive his little wife around otherwise.”
“MaybeIshould buy a sedan,” Paddy grunts, drawing Connor’s eyes with a smirk.
“You wouldn’t dare, Paddy,” Connor drawls. Paddy flips him off, sulking in the corner.
“I don’t think it was the lass Fitzy was thinking of, Lucky,” Ronan sighs. “Ye’re his cousin. Ye’ll be driving an SUV for the rest of yer life.”
“Just my luck,” Connor mutters, staring at his phone. I think he might be shopping for SUVs. Seamus is right. They’re safer. I’m surprised Connor has gotten away with driving his sleek sedan for so long.
Paddy glowers at the den door, which has remained firmly closed.
“I don’t think he’s coming back down,” he growls. Liam grins as his eyes follow Paddy’s gaze.
“He’s probably fucked himself to sleep,” the lad chuckles. Paddy is still glowering at the door, but no one moves to leave. Seamus told us to wait here. If he reappears and we’re gone, he’ll be spitting chips.
Finally, Connor looks up from his phone, squinting at the closed door.
“Jesus fuck. Everyone go home. Be back here at seven. Niall, you stay with them. If Fitzy has a go at anyone, tell him it was on my say so.”
At Connor’s words, Paddy and Liam are out the door. Ronan nods to me, waiting for Connor.
“I’ll give ye a lift home, Lucky.”
Connor nods, standing and shoving his phone in his pocket. He claps me on the shoulder on my way past. Ronan pauses as Connor strolls out of the room.