Page 24 of Bad to the Bone
“Seamus was pissed.”
“I can imagine,” I snort back. “He’s more drawn to his little wife than he’d like to admit.”
“I’m only glad Paddy and Connor were in the car with her. Fitzy wouldn’t be as lenient with the rest of us.”
“Maybe so. I’ll be happier when Lucky is in an SUV.”
“Aye, we all will be.”
Ronan claps my shoulder, strolling out of the room. Shutting off the lights, I check the front door is locked after the lads leave, dropping onto the couch and pulling up the Oracle CCTV on my phone.
Mellie lights up the screen, working her way through her closing tasks. My teeth grit. The lass will be taking the bus home. My thumb drums against the side. Maybe I should text Ronan. He could organize Liam to give the lass a lift.
Chapter Ten
I wake with a grunt as a foot connects with my side. My eyes fly open, and I stare up at Seamus’s face, his lips compressed in a thin line.
“I see everyone fucked off after I said to wait in the den,” he snipes. Blinking awake, I sit up, yawning and stretching, the morning light filling the lounge room.
“Given ye’re kicking me awake in the morning, it’s a good thing no one stayed,” I grunt. He harrumphs, crossing his arms over his chest. I stare impassively back at him. Did he really think we’d wait here all night? He probably did.
“Lucky told everyone to feck off. They’ll be back at seven.”
Seamus’s lips thin further, but he turns on his heel, striding back out of the room. Shoving to my feet, I duck into the bathroom at the bottom of the stairs, washing up and stifling another yawn as I make my way into his den. He’s seated at his desk, drumming his thumb on the table and scowling.
His eyes flicker over me, but he doesn’t speak as I drop into an easy chair. The door creaks open almost immediately, and Connor walks in, dressed sharply in a navy suit.
“Fitzy,” he nods at his cousin, who throws him a dark look. “Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I see.”
“You sent my lads home,” Seamus growls. Connor throws an amused look my way and shrugs, sinking onto the sofa.
“And so I did, Fitzy,” he agrees easily. “It was obvious you were fucking your little wife to sleep, and it was getting late. If you feel like yelling, I’m ready to hear it.”
Seamus glowers at his cousin but stays silent. Seamus might be second in command, but Connor is still a Fitzpatrick. He falls in line when Seamus asks, but he could have his own crew if he wanted.
Sean has been pushing for it for a while, but Connor has always pushed back. He likes being with us and wants to run his tables and his online gambling in peace. He’d have to deal with other shite if he had a crew.
Paddy is the next through the door, propping himself against the window, meeting Seamus’s dark glower gamely.
“In a good mood, I see.”
“No thanks to you,” Seamus mutters. God, he’s a moody cunt this morning. You would think fucking his little wife to sleep last night would have surely cheered him up.
“I’ll remember that next time I’m in a car that is rammed and then shot up – don’t, because it will piss Fitzy off,” Paddy snipes. Connor snorts, pulling his phone out and scrolling through it.
Seamus turns from Paddy to Connor. His eyes fixed on the phone.
“What are you doing?”
“Buying a fucking SUV to keep your pissy arse happy.”
“Good,” Seamus grunts, nodding as the door opens and Ronan and Liam walk in.
Liam has correctly guessed Seamus’s mood because he is holding a tray of takeaway coffees and handing them around. He’s the only one who Seamus doesn’t glare at. Given the lad’s tendency to get into trouble, I forget how resourceful he can be when he wants to.
“Do we know why the Bulgarians came after your car, Lucky?” Seamus spits when everyone is settled. Connor’s phone disappears into his pocket.