Page 96 of Fierce-Ivan
Fun Girl
Kendra looked up when she felt a presence in her doorway. “Hi, Jolene. What brings you by today?”
She’d been lucky so far that Jolene hadn’t been bugging her. With the nicer weather, she had her grandkids at the house and in the pool more.
Jolene was helping Ella and Nic out with the babies and she was on everyone else’s case trying to find out when more babies were coming.
She’d even heard that Jolene was whipping up her next plan of attack on Faith O’Malley.
Must be the fact she and Ivan were now dating over five months, it was enough for Jolene to feel like her work was done.
Or it could be that there were two more baby announcements recently that Jolene had her hands full. Brody and Aimee were having another boy and Mason and Jessica didn’t know the sex yet. Neither told their parents they were pregnant right away, frustrating Jolene.
“I wanted to see how you were doing.”
“Great,” she said.
“And how is that nephew of mine?” Jolene asked.
“Which nephew is that?” she asked.
“Aren’t you a smart one. That’s why I like you. You come off all quiet and controlled, but there is a fun girl inside of you waiting to break out when the right man comes along.”
She wasn’t going to comment on that.
Jolene was right. Kendra slowly found herself turning into the girl she’d been before her mother lost her sight.
To the girl that liked to have fun and cared about her appearance.
That let loose and didn’t worry about all the little things.
She’d like to think she was a blend of that person now.
The one that was responsible and caring for her mother. Still worrying about her, but feeling like it was okay to spend a few nights with Ivan just fifteen minutes away.
The one that dressed up like a woman she always wanted to be and had a great night with Ivan a few days ago.
When she’d seen Cassandra and how she looked on Friday, the first thing that popped into her head was,Holy crap, that is the type of woman Ivan dated?
Then she reminded herself she’d gotten all dressed up just like Cassandra was. She was thrilled to have been caught out looking like that.
Deep inside she wondered if that was why Cassandra turned as venomous as she had. That maybe if Kendra had her glasses on and was dressed more like her everyday self, if she wouldn’t have gotten so jealous.
Then she had to tell herself, it was none of her concern and she shouldn’t be wasting her time worrying about someone she didn’t know and that was in the past.
“You might be right,” she said.
Jolene was smirking at her. “Have you and Ivan done anything special lately?”
Hmm. That’s an odd question to ask. Especially after going to that expensive restaurant on Friday. “Nothing more than our normal,” she said.
Which was the truth. After that dinner, they went back to his house for the weekend. She’d stayed Friday, Saturday and Sunday night this week. Her mother had gone to a party on Saturday with friends and told her to enjoy a long weekend with Ivan and she decided to do that.
She’d checked in each day and her mother was fine.
Jolene frowned. “You guys need to go out and do some things.”
“We do,” she argued. “We go out to eat now and again. We cook dinner together. We’ve walked in the park and gone to the movies, but I’d rather watch a movie at home. You know. Normal dating things.”