Page 97 of Fierce-Ivan
Jolene’s head bobbed side to side as if she was stumped by Kendra. “Maybe go on a vacation someday?”
She laughed. “I don’t need to go on a vacation and neither does Ivan. We like what we’ve got. We like the pace we’re at too.”
She could tell Jolene didn’t like that answer, but too bad. Again, it was all the truth and there was no way she was giving more.
Kendra wasn’t trying to be mean, but she did like yanking Jolene’s chain like the rest of the family. She was coming to realize it was almost expected.
“It’s nice to step out of that zone though,” Jolene said.
“I think many would say I’m way out of my zone in life. Or at least lately.”
“You do have a pretty dress on today.”
“Thank you,” she said. “I’ve had it for a few years.”
Again, not a lie. The summer dress was a light yellow and white. She didn’t wear it often, but she felt light and sunny today.
“So it’s not my nephew that is making you change?”
She smiled. “No. I like who I am. I figured since you set the two of us up, you liked me too.”
Jolene’s smirk dropped and she almost looked upset. “I’m so sorry. Of course I do. I really do,” she said. “I didn’t mean to insult you.”
“No insult,” Kendra said. “I’m just curious is all. I’m not used to someone taking this much of an interest in my life.”
“We like you,” Jolene said. “That’s why I picked you out for Ivan as you said. Don’t you forget it.Idid that.”
“Mom,” Cade said, appearing in the doorway. “You did no such thing. You helped hire her as Ella’s assistant and you know it. I don’t care what magic gut you think you’ve got.”
Kendra laughed and winked at Cade when Jolene turned her back to address her son. “You don’t know that,” Jolene said.
“Of course I do. Unless you’re a witch with powers. Oh, yeah. My mother is a witch. I like that one. I’m going to mention it to the rest and see what they think. Bet they agree with me.”
“Out,” Jolene said, pointing to Cade. “I’ll deal with you in a few minutes.” Cade laughed and walked away. “I’m sorry for how rude my son was just now.”
“He wasn’t rude,” she said. She did enjoy watching all these interactions. She didn’t always like being part of them.
“He was and he knows it. I wanted to make sure Ella isn’t overdoing it. I knew you’d be honest with me.”
“She isn’t,” Kendra said. “She is working from home as you know, but I don’t believe she is doing as much as everyone thinks. Ella’s keeping me busy and I enjoy it. I love the faith she has in me too.”
“We all do,” Jolene said. “In more than just a work mode.”
She was grinning when Jolene left her office after that comment and went back to work.
* * *
Jolene turnedand went down to her son’s office. Cade always had a wise mouth on him.
Here she was thinking she was getting somewhere with Kendra and she didn’t get that far at all.
Why was this one so hard?
As if that wasn’t bad enough, a few days ago she’d gotten a call from her sisters-in-law in Durham to find out that Walker and Stella got engaged and Flynn and Julia even showed up together. There was work there for that one yet and she gave some advice, but she was more annoyed than she’d thought that she’d get another engagement before them and was falling flat on her face.
“I knew you’d be in here,” Cade said, leaning back in his chair. “Those witchy powers of yours.”
“Keep it up and I’ll brew up something to make you gag.”