Page 23 of Irreplaceable
“What if I’m married?” Mia asked. She could swing it. She would just have to double down on her efforts. And since effort hadn’t been being put forth in a long time, it would be easy.
“So, in less than nine months, you’ll not only fall in love, but be married?” Ruth’s perfect eyebrow went up in question.
“You doubt me and my abilities?” Mia said more confidently than she felt.
“Just a little. You’re waiting for your true love, and he might not show up in the next few months.”
“Maybe I already know him, like you and Anderson.”
“And who would that be?”
“I don’t know yet. Maybe when I move to Grand Forks, I’ll meet my neighbor, and it’ll be true love. Like in a romance book. Do you know anything about those?” Mia asked, knowing that Ruth had written more than a dozen books on the topic. Mia had read all her books since she’d found out about Ruth’s big secret. And that exact scenario had been in not one, but three of her books.
Ruth just rolled her eyes. “But you can’t leave anymore, Mia. I’m having a baby, and Tess will have her baby any day now. You can’t leave.”
“But it’s my destiny, Ruth.”
“No, it’s not. You’re a Landstad Tiger, through and through.” Ruth argued, a Tiger was the not only the school mascot, but the nickname for a Landstad High graduate who chose to live in Landstad long after they could have left.
“I can be a Tiger from afar.” It was true; she wasn’t going to cut her ties with the town. After all, she did love it there. Just not every day, day in and day out.
“Nobody is a Tiger from afar.” Ruth shook her head.
“Then I’ll be the first.” She tried to convince Ruth… and herself.
“I’ll let it go for now,” Ruth said, then took out a paper from her purse. “So, last night Anderson found this on line. I think this is the place.”
Taking the paper from her hand, it was for a cute little wedding chapel that looked like an actual church. Stopping, Mia looked at her. “Last night? You gave me an hour to get ready!”
“Sorry. We were just going to go alone, but Rafferty found out and insisted he had to go. So, I decided to bring you.”
“You at least made a good choice. Anderson didn’t.” She looked at the back of the seat in front of her, it was the first time she made it sound like she didn’t want Rafferty there.
“So, we’re going to swing by the place today when we get in, and then get married tomorrow,” Ruth explained, taking the paper back and folding it up again.
“Why not today? Why wait?” Mia questioned. There was no way she would be able to wait.
“Because tomorrow is the anniversary of when Anderson took over the insurance office from Frank. When we met.” Ruth got a dreamy look in her eyes, making Mia wonder if that was the true reason behind the wedding and not the baby excuse.
Mia giggled, “You’re so romantic I thought you were knocked up?”
Ruth shrugged. “I am. It just happened that I realized right as this was coming up. Couldn’t miss the chance to do it that day.”
“It’s the day I would’ve picked, too.” Mia loved how cute a couple they were.
When the stewardess came by with drinks, she dropped off a tiny bottle of whiskey for her and a pop for Ruth from the guys in front of them. Mia happily drank it. This was actually the most exciting day of the year. She was getting out of Landstad. She may have to go back in a few days, but for today, she was free. And she was getting to see one of her best friends get married in a secret ceremony to her long time crush. What a vacation it was going to be.
Once the plane landed,Mia’s mind was blown. She had never been to Las Vegas, and it was fascinating, busy as sin. She had never seen so many people in the same place at once, and they were just at the airport. Anderson took charge and led the group to the rental car area, and soon they were driving around the city with everyone else who had ever lived. Mentally, she checked Las Vegas off her preferred cities to live in. Too many people.
Anderson weaved in and out of traffic with ease, but after two little bottles of whiskey on the flight, Mia wasn’t enjoying the swaying of the car. Not at all. Once they stopped, she was quick to get out of the car. Maybe too quick because she landed hard on the cement of the parking lot.
Rafferty climbed out of the front seat and helped her up as he accused, “Are you tipsy already?”
“No, I’m just done with the car,” she said, looking into his blue eyes as he continued to hold her hand after she was on her feet again.
Shaking it off, she turned to look at the actual building from Ruth’s printout. Here it was in person, and it looked even cuter. Ruth and Anderson had picked the perfect spot to get married. If Mia had to get married in Vegas, this was exactly where she would pick, too.