Page 24 of Irreplaceable
The happy couple went inside and said that Mia and Rafferty could stay outside, but not wanting to be alone with him in sin city. So, Mia followed them in. Rafferty followed her. Inside, the air was cool but not cold—the perfect temperature for Ruth and Anderson.
While the happy couple talked to the receptionist, Mia looked around the chapel. She was excited for the next day and was happy Ruth had chosen her to be there. The only one there for her.
Rafferty came up behind her and asked, “Do you like it?”
“Yes, it’s perfect. I can’t believe how perfect it is,” she whispered, trying not to interrupt Anderson as he talked.
“That’s what I thought. When Anderson first said they were going to Vegas, I didn’t really think it would be like this.” Rafferty looked around the building and the upscale decorations.
“More tacky?” she asked. It was what she had thought also.
“More Elvisy,” he confirmed with a nod. “So, what are you doing the rest of the day?”
“I want to see a show and gamble. And you?” That was just the beginning. She was going to do Vegas in two days if it was the last thing she did.
“Maybe that. I hadn’t thought of anything I really want to do,” he confessed.
“If you promise to be good, you can see a show with me. But I gamble alone,” she stated firmly. Then laughed at his reaction of sadness.
By the time Anderson and Ruth were ready to leave, Mia was still a bit wobbly on her feet. As Mia followed the rest outside, she wasn’t excited to get back in the car, not yet. So, when they got to the car, Mia hesitated. “How far is the hotel?”
“It’s not far,” Anderson replied, looking at her.
“Close enough to walk?”
“No, it’s like a mile.” Anderson leaned on the car, looking at her over the top of it.
“I’ll walk the mile,” Mia stated. “Which way?”
Anderson just pointed down the busy street.
Smiling at him, Mia turned in that direction and started walking. No way was she getting back in that car with the way he drove in a city. It was bad enough that she would have to get back in there in a few days. On top of that, the weather was perfect. It was October, but she already missed summer. Today, she could enjoy it for a mile or so.
Before she made it out of the parking lot, Rafferty had caught up to her and was following her. But she didn’t acknowledge he was there. Just walked ahead, looking straight, her eyes trying to take everything in. But in her mind’s eye she saw him walking behind her in his gray slacks and white polo shirt, no tie or jacket anymore.
“Really, Mia. You couldn’t ride for another two minutes?” Rafferty demanded.
“None of your business.” She wasn’t going to explain it to him; he wouldn’t understand.
“Are you drunk already? You can’t take a car ride?” he asked from behind her.
Spinning around, she glared at him. “I’mnotdrunk. I had one drink on the plane. One!”
Cocking his head, he said, “Two.”
“Two drinks on the plane, two!” Correcting herself, she hadn’t thought he saw both.
Spinning back around, she started walking again. Hopefully, he left her alone until they got to the hotel. Looking in front of her, she wondered which hotel it was. She counted seven from where she was. Okay, she should have asked which hotel, that would have been smart.
“Do you know which hotel?” he asked from behind her, like he could read her mind.
“I know which hotel it is,” she lied.
“Which one?” He sped up, so he could walk beside her.
“That one.” She pointed down the road, not at any particular one.
“So, you’re blindly walking down the Vegas Strip, looking for a hotel?” he asked.