Page 24 of Hollywood Humbug
Then the shit hit the fan, and we went from a budding romance to enemies overnight.
Kane was walking hastily toward the security office, but his deep blue eyes scanned the surrounding area, looking out for something…or someone. While I was sorely tempted to hide. I wasn’t about to turn into a coward, but even though I hated Christmas, I had no desire to spend it in jail for murder. Not much got me riled, but that man made me want to Hulk smash him. Then string him up on the North Pole and laugh while his many bits turned to icicles.
When I spotted Andrew Briggs, Kane’s set double, exiting the building, I made a beeline for him. I’d known Andrew for several years, and we’d become really good friends. We’d all been working on the same film when everything went down with Kane, and he’d been the shoulder I cried on…well, more like the shoulder I fumed on.
Andrew saw me coming, and something in my expression must have tipped him off because he canted his head to the left, toward a bench set next to a brightly decorated Christmas tree. Then he popped his head back into the office before walking my way, nodding at Kane when they crossed paths.
I sat on the bench and shot the tree a scathing look.
Andrew chuckled as he took a seat next to me. “What did that poor tree ever do to you?” he asked in a thick Texas drawlthat made many a woman swoon. Even I got a little flutter in my stomach, though we’d never been more than friends.
“It represents all that is evil about this time of year,” I grumbled.
He laughed, but unlike me, his eyes lit up as he took in the sparkly garland and shining ornaments. “You can be a Scrooge all you want, Scarlett, but you won’t convince me this isn’t the most wonderful time of the year.”
I rolled my eyes teasingly and quipped, “Ba humbug.”
We both chuckled, then sat in comfortable silence for a minute, before Andrew gave me the side eye and asked, “Are you going to tell me why you’re hiding out here?”
“I’m not hiding,” I protested insistently. “I’m avoiding.”
“Still, that’s not like you.”
I winced, and my shoulders slumped. “I may have opened my big mouth and dredged up the past.”
“With Kane?” Andrew asked, his brows disappearing into his hairline.
“Yeah. His character was being just as pig-headed as he is, and it just set me off.”
He shook his head with a lopsided grin. “Men. I’m so glad I’m straight. Women are much less prone to drama.”
I burst into laughter, and it helped cleanse the bitter anger that was infecting me. When I sobered, his smile turned sympathetic. “He’s never let you explain, has he?”
I sighed. “No.” When Star Watch had reported that we were secretly engaged the day after our first—and only—date, I was livid. Especially when I saw the pictures of us that could only have been taken from inside the restaurant. “I could just murder Mandi Donovan,” I muttered acerbically. “I still have no clue how she even knew about our date. We were so careful. But what frustrates me the most is that I still let it get to me. I always thinkI’m over it, then we work on a project together, and I realize I’m still hurt and seriously pissed.”
Andrew nodded and draped his arm around my shoulder. “I saw the chemistry between you guys. I can’t imagine it’s easy to let that go. And honestly, Scarlett, I was pretty shocked when you told me what Kane said. It sounded so out of character for him.”
I’d called Kane right after I saw the article to see if he knew who’d leaked the information, never expecting that he would blame me. Before I could get a word in, he said he wouldn’t allow me to use him to further my career. I’d been taken aback by his accusation because, though I’d only been working in movies for a couple of years, I’d cut my acting teeth on Broadway as a kid. Stage acting was my career path, and I was happy with that because I adored it. But, when a director approached me and asked me to read for a movie/musical, I decided to try something new. It had been a hit and from there, offers for other projects had rolled in. I’d sort of fallen into the movie scene—though I still did stage work on and off because I loved it so much. I didn’t need to ride anyone’s coattails. Despite how much that had hurt me, I still tried to explain that the tip hadn’t come from me, but he’d already hung up and wouldn’t take my calls after that.
“Me too. Maybe it’s a good thing we never got together.” I laid my head on Andrew’s shoulder. “Whenever we’ve ended up on the same project, he's so laid back and takes everything in stride, except when it comes to me. Obviously, I bring out the worst in him.”
I elbowed Andrew in the side and popped my head up to glare at him. “Spit it out, Briggs. I know that ‘hmmm’ means something.”
“Scarlett, have you considered that he loses his cool with you because he hasn’t let you go, either? The chemistry between you two on stage is explosive. Maybe you should try again; see if he’ll listen this time.”
I mulled over his words, then shook my head. “It’s too late for that.”
“Well then. Do you want me to kick his ass? I mean, it’s not like he needs it as long as mine is in tiptop shape.”
A grin spread across my face, and I laughed. Once again, he lightened my mood, and I gave him a quick hug. “You do have a very fine ass, Andrew Briggs.”
“Like I don’t know that.” He winked and stood. “By the way, I checked you in with Ryder.”
Ryder Thorne was our head of security, and I was suddenly reminded that I had no idea why we were all being summoned there. “What happened?”
Andrew waved a hand nonchalantly. “Small fire on the set. It was put out quickly, and no one was hurt.”