Page 25 of Hollywood Humbug
“Ah. Okay. Well, thanks for getting me off the hook,” I said with a chuckle.
“Sure thing.” He held out his hand, and as he helped me to my feet, his eyes strayed over my shoulder for a moment before coming back to meet mine. “If you’re going to continue to ‘avoid’ Kane, I suggest you get moving because he’s headed this way.”
I shot Andrew an annoyed frown, but he just grinned and sauntered away.
With a frustrated grunt, I looked over at Kane, contemplating my next move. From his confident stride and determined expression, I knew my words earlier had had an impact, and he clearly wanted to discuss them.
I mentally kicked myself again for losing control of my mouth but nodded at Kane since not acknowledging him as I walked back to my trailer would seem too much like runningaway. However, I didn’t stick around for a conversation, instead spinning on my heel and walking as quickly—but casually—toward my trailer.
Avoiding a confrontation, not hiding from how he makes me feel.
When I felt the warmth of his body at my back, I picked up my pace, but it wasn’t enough because he darted around to my front, forcing me to halt. “Kane,” I greeted, deadpan.
“We need to talk,” he stated.
“We really don’t,” I replied, shaking my head and stepping around him so I could resume walking. Unfortunately, he moved to my side and kept pace with me.
“I want to know what you meant earlier.”
I sighed. “Nothing. I was trying to piss you off,” I lied. “It was petty and juvenile. You know how I can be.”
Kane laughed harshly, and I darted a glance at him before forcing my eyes forward again. “Bullshit. I doubt I could find one person in your life who would ever describe you with those adjectives.”
I snorted. “Try asking my sisters.” When we were younger, we’d been typical teenage girls. And since there was barely a year between each of us, we could be super competitive. We were close now, though, and they were pretty pissed at Kane for being a jackass. “On second thought,” I drawled as we reached my trailer. “I’d stay away from them if I were you.”
“Was I wrong? Two years ago. Was it you who tipped off Mandi?”
“It doesn’t matter now,” I said as I ascended the steps to my door.
“Scarlett,” Kane growled as he curled his fingers around my arm and tugged just enough to force me to return to the ground and face him. “We are going to talk about this.”
“We’re really not,” I gasped as sparks exploded where our skin touched and streaks of electricity shot to every nerve ending, causing me to shiver.
“Fuck,” Kane grunted before he yanked me into his arms and his mouth crashed down on mine.
Iknew better than to touch Scarlett when we weren’t on set. Once again, I reminded myself that she should be the last woman I wanted, but my desire for her had been pent up for too long. And now that I had my hands on her—without an audience—and the chemistry had flared between us when we touched, I couldn’t last another second without feeling her lips on mine again.Fucking finally.
My patience had already been paper thin after waiting two long years to get another taste of her, and I’d struggled to maintain control when I crashed my mouth against hers. My tongue swept inside when she gasped in surprise. Her hands slid up my arms to grip my shoulders, and the kiss quickly spun out of control.
Our lips still locked together, we stumbled up the stairs of her trailer. I kicked the door shut and spun us around to press Scarlett against the hard surface, and molding my front to hers, grinding my thick erection into her center. Cupping her cheeks with my palms, I tilted her head; the angle allowing me to deepen the kiss and get a better taste. I had hoped that I’d built everything up in my head, but it was better than I remembered from our one kiss before things had gone to hell.
I knew we needed to talk before things went too far, but I forced my thoughts away from all the reasons we shouldn’t be doing this and devoured her mouth until we were both breathless. The only reason I finally tore my lips from hers was so that I could frantically strip her out of her shirt. When I saw her quivering breasts, bouncing slightly from her choppy breaths, and the pebbled nipples poking against the lacy cups of her bra, a groan rumbled up my chest. “So damn beautiful. I need you in my mouth.”
“Yesss,” she hissed, arching her back as my hand slid around to pop the clasp.
“That’s it, baby. I know what you want. What we both need.” As soon as the plump swells spilled free, I lowered my head, but paused when I realized that there was writing tattooed in a curve under each breast. They weren’t in English and I wanted to ask what they meant, but I was distracted when she moaned and arched her back again. Returning my attention to her puckered nipples, I sucked one deep into my mouth. Scarlett’s fingers dug into my scalp, holding me close to her chest while I licked and sucked the tight peak. Gliding my hands up her ribcage, I cupped the undersides of her generous breasts, enjoying how they filled my hands.
Her knees wobbled when I sucked hard, then flicked my tongue over a taut bud. “Oh, Kane,” she moaned.
Tilting my head back, I glanced up and my breath caught in my lungs. Her cheeks were flushed pink, and her perfect mouth was parted as she stared down at me, stark need shining in her amber eyes.
“Fuck, Scarlett, it shouldn’t be possible for you to be any more beautiful,” I rasped. “But seeing you like this…fuck, baby. You’re a goddess.” Straightening, I wrapped her chocolate brown hair around my fist and trailed kisses down her neck before nipping at her pulse point. After a second, I picked her up,and she wrapped her legs around me as I stumbled over to the couch and laid her down. In seconds, I’d removed her leggings and panties, leaving her naked and so fucking gorgeous. My eyes swept down the length of her body, but instead of running them back up, they remained glued to Scarlett’s mound. She was fucking bare, and it was hot as hell, but that wasn’t why I was fascinated with the spot. It was because she had a tattoo right above her slit. It was a tree with intricate branches that formed something like a Celtic knot. Upon closer inspection, I realized the roots were actually more script in another language. And directly above the tree was a symbol that represented the sun.
“Amazing,” I rasped as I used a finger to trace the pattern. “As much as I hate the idea of anyone but me this close to your pussy, this is…damn, baby. It’s incredible and looks so beautiful on your soft skin. But I gotta say, it’s turning me the fuck on.”