Page 19 of Slow and Steady
“I’ll talk to you later,” Declan said, easing behind the door so he could close it. “I need to go or I won’t have time to cry and hyperventilate before Atlas gets here.”
“Don’t do that!” Blake begged as the door shut.
“I don’t see how that can be avoided.”
Declan was barely coping before Blake arrived with his jar of napalm and impossible expectations. The last thing Declan needed was to be reminded thateveryonewas rooting for them and would be disappointed if things didn’t work out with him and Atlas.
“I might be able to help with that.” Reginald’s voice drifted from the speaker above Declan.
“No. I don’t think Atlas would be impressed if I was stoned when he got here.”
“Just a little something to take the edge off.”
“No.” Declan shook his head. Then, he recalled that Reginald had worked miracles with Denver. Possibly saved his life. “Maybe… But could youpleasestop eavesdropping and recording now? I’m already feeling a lot of pressure,” he confided.
“Of course, but shouldn’t we talk about your options upstairs, first?” Reginald suggested.
“Just remind me again,” Declan said briskly as he hurried up the steps. He could feel his chest tightening and he was getting nauseous, the closer it got to 6 PM.
“The jelly beans have the lowest doses and are perfect if you just want a nudge. The purple ones will turn you into a one-man party. The blue ones will make you float. The green ones are a trip.”
“OK… I definitely don’t want to turn into a party.”
“You could probably handle two of the blues but I wouldn’t suggest more than one of the green.”
“I’ll just try one of the blue jelly beans,” Declan decided. “Just a little floaty might be ok.”
“I think that sounds sensible and should do the trick.”
Declan didn’t feel very sensible as he rushed down the hallway and slipped into Reginald and Paul’s bedroom. He often darted past the floating blue cloud of a bed and into Reginald’s massive closet to borrow clothes. But he’d avoided the decadent parlor across the room. His heart was racing as he tiptoed over the plush blue carpet to the glass doors.
Like the bedroom, Reginald’s personal candy shop was decorated in a single shade of soft sky blue. Jars of marijuana and candies in bright white and pastel blues, purples, and greens lined the shelves, and a blue chaise in silvery blue velvet waited invitingly in the center of the room.
“I think I can handle it from here,” Declan said as he passed the wrapped saltwater taffies, jawbreakers, and gummies. He stopped in front of the jars of jelly beans, his heart thudding in his ears.
“Are you sure? I have no plans until Paul returns with our takeout.”
“I’m sure. I’m just going to take one blue jelly bean and I will never be able to relax if I know you’re watching or listening to us.”
“Very well. Best of luck, Declan. Though I really don’t think you need it.”
“I know. Nobody thinks I need it, but I do. Thank you, Reginald.”
“You’re welcome and I’ll check back in tomorrow. Evening,” Reginald added and left Declan alone in the soothing silence of the little parlor.
Declan shook out his hands, then reached for the blue jar. It had a metal latch with a seal and his hands shook as he opened it and removed a single jelly bean. He closed the lid and replaced the jar before popping the jelly bean into his mouth. Declan chewed it before he had a chance to question his sanity and judgment, backing away and onto the chaise.
He sat with his hands on his lap and waited, hoping it wouldn’t take too long to settle his nerves. “I don’t feel anything. Maybe I’ll try another one,” Declan decided with a shrug, smiling as he rose and drifted back to the jelly bean jars. He hummed happily as he opened the jar and plucked out another bean. “Maaaaaaybe two more.” He took another and popped them both into his mouth, chewing as he returned the jar and went back to the chaise.
“So soft!” Declan declared as he sat and his hand slid along the seat until he was laying on his side. “Hmmm…” He rubbed his cheek against the cushion, enjoying the cool silkiness of the velvet against his skin. “I think it’s working!” He sang loudly, then giggled when he remembered that no one could hear him.
He popped back up and glanced at the jars out of the side of his eye. “I really like the blue jelly beans. Maybe I should try the green…” He slid off the chaise and it was a bit like walking on clouds as he traipsed to the jar of green jelly beans.
Declan opened the jar and his lips twisted as he tried to remember what Reginald had said. “Definitely don’t want the purple ones because I don’t want to be a party.” He shook his head at the purple jelly beans as he stuck a green one between his lips and chewed. “Oh! Apple! My favorite!” He said as he picked out two more and popped them into his mouth. “That should do it.” He set his hands on his hips, feeling rather giddy and warm. “I could be a little bit of a party!”
The room began to change colors around Declan just as he stuck one of the purple jelly beans in his mouth.
“Uh oh…” He said as he chewed. “I think I might be in trouble.” But he shrugged and enjoyed the colors and the tiny, happy whispers. “I love you too!” He told them as they sang softly in his ear.