Page 20 of Slow and Steady
“Oh!” Declan shifted as his clothes began to get itchy and slide around him. “This isn’t right.” He looked down at this body and it was getting longer as his arms and legs started shrinking. “No, no, no!” He slid out of his cardigan and tossed it away from him before attacking the buttons on his shirt. “I won’t be able to get out!” He hurried to free himself from his shirt and the rest of his clothes before his limbs completely disappeared and he was trapped inside Reginald’s pants.
Declan hopped out of his boxer briefs and stripped off his socks just as his feet fused together, sending him crashing onto his stomach.
“Oof!” He grunted, rolling so he could get his arms out in front of him while he still had control of them. “This is not a very good time to turn into a worm. I’m having company soon.” Declan stretched his arms ahead of him and pointed his toes, making himself as long as he could.
“I think I can fit!”
He laughed, extending his fingers so he could slide under the door, then looked up when he heard a bell. It was so beautiful, as it peeled and reverberated through the room, making every hair on Declan’s body stand. The sound was so high and light; it tinkled delicately as it swirled around him like a wave.
“Again!” Declan begged, flopping onto his back. It happened again and he laughed as he searched the ceiling to see where it came from. “Again!” He cried when it ended, his eyes darting wildly as he waited. The bell rang again. “Ha!” He covered his mouth, astounded at the echoing chime above him. “Again! Please!” Declan hugged himself as he cackled and wept,profoundlydelighted at the sound. Then, it stopped. “Oh, no!” He rolled back onto his stomach and sobbed into the plush carpet. “Why did it go away?”
“Declan! Are you alright?”
“Atlas?” Declan’s head popped up as Atlas hurried into the parlor. “Atlas!” He reached as Atlas squatted next to Declan to check his pulse and ducked to see his face. “I’m so glad you’re here!” Declan pushed off the floor and gasped when his neck worked. He was able to hold himself up. “I turned into a worm and then I heard this sound!” Declan grabbed Atlas’s shoulder and then his cheek. “I wish you could have heard it!” He threw his arms around Atlas. “It was so beautiful! I think it was telling me that you were coming! Because you’re so beautiful. You’re the most beautiful man in the world.”
“I did ring the doorbell about a dozen times…” Atlas said, leaning back so he could chase Declan’s gaze. “How did you turn into a worm, Dec?” He asked, his deep brown eyes searching Declan’s.
“I love your eyes, Atlas.” Declan grabbed Atlas’s face and mashed their noses together to get a closer look. “They’re so warm and I know you know everything and everything will be ok when I’m looking at them. They’re my favorite eyes.”
“Thank you,” Atlas whispered, laughing gently as he brushed the hair away from Declan’s face. Declan purred and followed Atlas’s hand with his cheek like a cat. “Please tell me how you turned into a worm. I’m a little worried and I’d like to know how much trouble we’re in.”
He was so beautiful. Inside and out. And he made Declan feel beautiful. “Awww! You’re sonice! Speed says you’re a pain in the ass but I think you’re perfect and I think your ass is so,soperfect!” Declan was also really, really turned on and he loved Atlas’s ass even more than his eyes and his beautiful insides.
“Ok!” Atlas looked around nervously, then yelped when Declan knocked him onto his back.
“You might not know this…!” Declan pulled Atlas close and burrowed into the corner of his neck. He sniffed hard, filling his sinuses with Atlas’s intoxicating scent until his lungs burned. “You smell better than…everything!”
“No. I didn’t know,” Atlas said, making Declan laugh as he curled his leg around Atlas’s thigh. Atlas had his phone out and was scrolling for a number.
“That’s not what I was going to tell you! I was going to tell you that I dream about your ass all the time.”
“Hold on, Dec!” There was a loud shushing sound as Atlas put the phone to his ear.
“In my dreams, it tastes amazing. I bet your ass tastes incredible.”
Atlas’s hand clamped across Declan’s mouth. “Hey, Paul! Got a minute?”
His sweater looked like it was made of teal stars and it was softer than angel wings. Declan groaned euphorically as he rubbed his hand all over Atlas’s chest and side.
“Everything ok?” Declan heard Paul ask.
“I’m not sure. I came out to Lake Cliff to have dinner with Declan and I found him on the floor in Reginald’s candy closet. Declan says he turned into a worm. He’s also…veryaffectionate.”
“Did you eat any of the purple jelly beans?” Reginald asked from the speakers in the ceiling but his voice rippled and got really low and deep.
“Did you eat the purple jelly beans?” Atlas asked slowly and lowered his hand so Declan could speak.
Declan squinted at the giant jars of candy on the wall behind Atlas. “Were those the ones I wasn’t supposed to eat? I really enjoyed the blue ones, so I had a few of the green ones because apples are my favorite. And then I thought I might want to be a little bit of a party for you so I had one of the purple jelly beans.”
“I knew I should have kept an eye on you,” Reginald replied wearily. “And I told you not to take more than two of the blues. They’re a gentle Sativa and a low 10 milligrams. The worst you could have done was put yourself to sleep.”
“I ate two of them!” Declan said. “Plus one more and some others. Is that bad? It doesn’t feel bad. Feels kind of like Heaven.”
“Is that bad?” Atlas asked.
“It depends…” Reginald began. “In the mood to fuck Declan silly? Because he’s going to beg you to pound his arse into mince.”
“Whoa!” Atlas yelled but Declan thought that was an excellent idea. There was a hungry, gnawing twitch in his ass.