Page 77 of Soul of a Woman
After the ceremony, the party moved inside her mother’s castle where the guests were all on the balcony celebrating. Broni leaned against her warrior as she watched them then unconsciously sighed.
“What’s wrong?” Fate took her daughter’s hand.
“I’m going to miss you. It’s been hard being away.”
“I’ve tried to get Mother to change her mind, but she refuses.” Broni saw the pain in her mother’s eyes.
“I deserve my punishment. I’m grateful she allowed me to return home for my wedding.”
“I wish you could stay.”
“I do, too, but I’m needed on Earth. Abby and Zandra both need me to watch over them.”
“Always the protector.” Fate placed her hand against her cheek, her eyes going to Warrior. “Your husband better watch over you as closely.”
Broni stared back and forth between her husband and mother, sensing the tension between them. A strong gust of wind blew then, drawing the crowd’s attention to the woman appearing suddenly among them.
“Mother.” Broni was stunned at Mother’s appearance at her reception.
When Mother walked regally forward, coming to a stop in front of them, Broni, her husband, and Fate dropped to their knees before her.
“Rise,” Mother commanded before softening her tone.“Congratulations on your marriage.”
Mother nodded her head.“I am happy for you both.” She looked at Broni. “You have gained a Warrior who has served me faithfully since time began. The end is near, but with you both fighting on my side, Zeus will not easily steal my power. For that, I give you a gift.
“Broni, I cannot let you return home yet, but you may return to visit your family once a full moon until the sun rises.”
Broni bowed her head in gratitude. “Thank you, Mother.”
Mother nodded regally, her gaze turning to Broni’s husband.“Warrior.” Mother made a symbol in the air.
Broni felt her husband stiffen as his face changed. Broni knew without being told what was happening. Rhys stared back at her, in control of his body once again. Broni waited with trepidation in her eyes for his possible coming rejection. She was fearful this was Mother’s real punishment for asking Father to go against Mother, to have her husband reject her.
Rhys leaned down, brushing his mouth against her cheek. “Don’t look at me that way. I love you. Don’t doubt it any more. I’ve wanted to tell you I was sorry so many times, but the warrior wouldn’t let me out long enough. He’s too afraid of losing your love.”
Broni broke down into tears, the last wall she had built against him crumbling. She had always worried that Rhys didn’t love her, forced down by her Warrior. She would always have wondered.
“I love you, too, Rhys. I can’t remember a time I haven’t.”
“Good, I’m glad that is settled,” Mother said firmly, reminding them of her presence. Her hand waved majestically toward the sky.“My gift to you.”
Rhys watched as the stars realigned into patterns, shifting into pictures that flashed through the sky.Rhys saw Deena. She didn’t look the same; her face and body another’s, but Rhys recognized her spirit. She was gloriously being twirled through the sky by a man. They stared at each other the way that he and Broni shared. The man who held Deena was her soul mate as Broni was his. Deena’s picture faded out. Now he saw a middle-aged couple having a picnic. On the blanket sat two toddlers. Twins. Rhys saw his sons’ souls in their eyes.
Rhys felt wetness on his cheeks, not ashamed for his weakness at seeing his sons again. The couple had given up on having children; the twins were considered a miracle by them. And they were—Mother’s miracle. The picture of the small family playing gradually disappeared, the stars returning to their original position.
“Thank you.” Rhys cleared his throat.
Mother stepped forward, gracing Rhys with a brief kiss on his cheek.“Do not make me regret giving her to you.” She spoke low, so no one would overhear.
“I won’t.”
Mother stepped back, winding her arm through Fate’s as the two women walked away. “I think you need to give my son, Hades, a visit.”
“Those two together are scary as shit.” Her warrior’s drily amused voice had Broni searching his eyes.
“Let’s go congratulate Jericho and Cara.”
They walked hand in hand toward the couple. Cara looked beautiful in her white gown while Jericho’s usually harsh expression had softened as he talked to another guest.