Page 78 of Soul of a Woman
“Warrior, Broni, I want to introduce you to my very great-grandmother.” The dark skinned, dark haired woman was obviously Native American.
“This is the one you told me about?” he asked Jericho.
“Yes. This is Joro.”
Warrior extended his hand, taking hers in his grasp. “Jericho told me about you, and I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.” When the others looked at him curiously, he ignored them.
Stopping a passing servant, he handed out goblets of wine. Later, he would find a way to be alone with Joro for a few moments, but for now, he wanted to celebrate with his wife that he had waited lifetimes for.
Chapter 32
Fate waited, impatiently brushing her palms against the side of her gown, smoothing nonexistent wrinkles away. It had taken three months to get permission to request an audience from him. It was only when Mother had intervened that her request had been granted.
The door opened, and although it had been a long time since Fate had seen him last, he had not changed. If anything, he had become even more handsome. It took all her will not to melt in a puddle at his feet. Only centuries of control enabled her to stand in front of him with an expressionless face hiding the storm of lust going through her body.
“Fate, it’s good to see you again.”
“Hades.” The master of the underworld was masculine perfection. He stood well over six-feet tall with aquiline features, grey eyes and black hair. He was also the epitome of sophistication.
Hades did not reach out to shake her hand—a touch from Hades’s hand could drive a woman insane with lust while his glance alone rose Fate’s own desire, which she had to battle back to keep a clear head.
His mouth twisted sardonically, well aware of her predicament.
“Mother has made you aware of the situation with Zeus and Dionysus?”
Hades sank gracefully into a chair facing the opulent couch she was sitting on.
“Yes. I was not surprised. The sneaky bastard has always been jealous of Odin. What did surprise me is that he is directly challenging Mother.”
“Both Zeus and Dionysus have gone into hiding, and we are all more than aware Zeus excels at keeping himself concealed.” Fate gave him an inquisitive look.
“Yes, he does. He is not on Earth. Wherever he is hiding is not on my realm or within my vision.”
Odin, Hades, and Poseidon each had the sight to see what was happening in their realms. Odin and now Hades had both said Zeus was not in their realm. Fate sighed. She really hated visiting Poseidon. She would leave that chore for Mother.
“He attacked my daughters while they were inthe Hallway of Death. Both Cara and Broni have been found, but Zerina is still missing.”
“I heard both were recently married. Please give them my congratulations.” He elegantly waved his hand.
The door opened and a woman dressed in pale blue gauze leaving a clear view of her voluptuous body underneath came into the room carrying two packages of the same size. The only difference between the two presents were the bows, one a deep red, the other a dark purple.
“Please give them my gifts as I was unable to attend.”
Hades was not allowed to leave his underworld. Not only was he the warden of the souls sent to him for punishment, but the effect he had on women and immortals made it embarrassing. It was nothing he could control. Grimm had it to a lesser degree, which he took advantage of regularly, Hades, however, did not. His lovers were picked from all the realms. He merely sent a message that he was interested and his chosen plaything would arrive for a visit until he tired of them, which wasn’t usually long. Once they left, he never requested them again. Fate had witnessed many heartbroken women through the centuries while Hades had remained coldly detached.
“Thank you,” Fate said before going back to the subject at hand. “I have lost sight of Zerina. She has disappeared from my view. Even Jinx, whom I sent to watch over her, has disappeared from Earth.”
“I have not seen her on Earth, and she is of course, not within my realm. Perhaps you should seek information from Poseidon?”
Fate stared at him for several secondsas he picked a miniscule piece of lint from his suit. “I’ll do that.”
Fate rose to her feet, unable to bear being in his presence for another second without tearing off her gown.“If you see her...?”
“I will send word immediately, of course.” Hades also rose.
“My daughters mean everything to me, Hades. Zerina is a gentle soul, my first born, and has borne the responsibilities of our kind on her shoulders with great strength.”
“As I have not met her, I will have to take your word for it. You kept themsequestered away from all the Gods and immortals.”