Page 7 of It Comes In Waves
He smiles and laughs under his breath, "Thanks for clearing that up for me. I'll take what I can get."
I take a step back from the door and slowly turn around, then turn back.
"I am not dateable," I repeat to make sure he is crystal clear.
He just stands in the door with his arms crossed, waiting for me to finish.
"Are you done?" He asks.
"No! I'm a mess. I'm so screwed up, and I don't want you to get the wrong…" He nearly jumps out of the doorway and grabs both sides of my face, pulling my lips to his. The way his fingers intertwine in my hair makes me feel like I am floating. He pulls away, his hands still cupping my face.
"You are not broken." He demands.
I close the door as slow as humanly possible. It's official, I've lost my mind. I don't know why I am following this girl and hanging on her every word like some sort of lost puppy. I feel strangely protective of her. She's obviously got issues, hence the constant crying, but she is insanely beautiful. The sad thing just doesn't suit her. Her smile is worth living for, and the fact she could be so hurt makes me want to beat the shit out of someone.
I blame it on male instinct because I just want to protect her from whatever she is running from. The exhaustion in her is apparent, and I can't bring myself to ask too many questions, but I also can't seem to stay away. I don't want to.
Her tiny little physique and dark hair is not my usual type. Most people would say I go for the tall, blonde supermodel look. In all honesty, I can't recall the last date I've been on. I was too busy chasing naked sixteen-year-olds out of Jameson's bed, so he didn't end up knocking someone up. Since he moved out, I've had a few one-nighters, but slipping out before they wake up doesn't exactly say "date me." Here I am with a date to one of the largest charity events of the year, with a girl I've known for 10 whole seconds.
I flip the TV on and open up online banking on my laptop to make sure I make a transfer for Jay for the week. I don't trust his 18-year-old ass with a credit card, so I have to set limits. He got a DUI last year, which cost me a pretty penny to get him out of. I'm hard on him, but I have to be. The TV is going insane with severe thunderstorm warnings for this evening, and I can tell you right now, if my car is hail damaged, I'm gonna be pissed. The weather here has been wild lately, but it is hurricane season. I check the time and slip on some slacks and a dress shirt, and head out.
The drive downtown feels more prolonged than usual. I have a meeting about some potential flip properties, both huge houses up the coast a bit. I should've checked the properties out already, but I sent one of my partners in my place to take pictures. I have already decided to buy them both. This meeting is just to bullshit about the price. I pull my car in the parallel spot and jump out, making my way up the steps of the glass building. I sit at the table and pretend I'm listening, but I can't help but wander off into "Judson land." I keep glancing down at my phone like I'm expecting it to go off. I don't even have her number, and before I know it, I am scribbling onto my notepad.
"Judson, what do you think?" Sara, my assistant, barks, kicking me under the table with the toe of her high heeled shoe.
"Sounds good. Let's get all the details sorted out." I flip my notebook closed and practically run out of the meeting as quickly as I got into it. My head just isn't in it today, that's for sure.
"Judson, I got your flight for tomorrow all set for Charleston. I sent your boarding pass to your wallet on your phone." Sara smiles and walks back around her desk. "Everyone is really excited to see you."
"Actually, cancel it. I'm gonna take the Vette."
"Are you sure?" She gives me a confused look. She knows me well enough to know I hate driving. She's 100% correct. I hate driving.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks, Sara." She is still giving me the strangest look as I rush out of the building and back down to my car. My lead foot is extra heavy today. I swing back into the driveway and take my note to her door. How could I be so stupid? Rule number 1 in the dating game...
Get the girl's phone number— Such an amateur.
It's only 5:30, so I have plenty of time to go shopping. I grab my keys and take off to hit up a few of the local boutiques. I haven't went shopping in what seems like forever, but I have lost a little weight and could use a dress that fits right.
Three shops later and I finally find one that is a little more my style. I flip through three racks and eventually find a rack with some potential dresses. Black? How can you go wrong with a "little black dress?" I pick up a cute one, hold it up to my chest, and instantly put it back because it makes me think of going to the funeral. Red? No. Red says, "do me."
Hmmm... This is it. I pull the dress off the rack and admire it. It's off-white, not bridal looking, just soft and pretty. The top is mostly lace, with a wide neckline for an "off-the-shoulder" look. It's a little sparkly and has long see-through sleeves. The bottom is flowy and short, but not slutty. This will have to work!
I pair it with some heels, and the combination is actually pretty adorable! Not my usual get-up, but Judson doesn't know the difference, so maybe reinvention is a good thing. Besides, I'm pretty tired of doing every single thing that is expected of me.
I've always been the nice girl, everyone's friend, the popular girl, Dakota's girlfriend, the cheerleader, the homecoming queen. I've never just been myself. I've been busy pretending to be who everyone else wanted me to be. It's okay to be a little rebellious, I tell myself as I head to the checkout counter.
I drive back to the house, and for once, I find myself thinking forward. I put the car in park and fumble my shopping bags up the steps. There is a note hanging on the front door: