Page 8 of It Comes In Waves
You said you didn't know me.
I'm Judson Chase Banks. In case you wanna run a background check.
I'm 28.
My favorite color is Blue.
I have a brother.
I work a lot, and I'm here for meetings.
I live full time in Savannah.
I'm also incredibly handsome, in case you didn't already know.
There is my dating website bio (only kidding). Now maybe our 3-hour car ride will be less awkward.
Can't wait for our "not-date."
x, Judson
I find myself grinning from ear to ear as I push the door open and throw all my bags on the counter. I re-read over the note admiring his neat handwriting. Sure it's a little elementary but still adorable. He seems playful, and honestly, it's a nice change.
I stopped by the grocery store and grabbed a few things on the way in. I toss a few things in the fridge and plop down on the couch. What am I doing? This feeling isn't familiar. People don't just meet and hit it off like this! I'm starting to think they should just put me in the looney bin. This is the first day in forever I haven't had Dakota on my mind. My whole life has been mapped out for me since high school, Blakely and Dakota. No other option. That is what was expected. Dakota was a decent guy, and he loved me. I genuinely believe that. Even though sometimes his actions weren't in agreement, I blew it off as typical dude behavior. He was a year younger than me, so our maturity levels were a little off.
He was offered a full scholarship to play basketball but turned it down to stay close to me. Dakota quickly became obsessed with having a family. All of his friends were getting engaged, and a couple had gotten pregnant. We had broken up over and over, and I did my thing at school. He came crawling back not long after our worst break up and proposed a few weeks later, in front of his entire family. Yes, in front of everyone, giving me a social anxiety attack. The engagement didn't scare me. I figured I was young, and I could still change my mind. It was his constant rushing that caused my continuous stress.
I lean over the coffee table to grab the remote and immediately turned the tv back off. No thanks GEICO, I don't need to see another one of your ridiculous commercials. Instead, I connect my phone to the speaker and play some music.
I jump like I've been shot when my phone chimes. I'm relieved to see It's Cami.
"Hey Girlie!!! Did you make it to the beach? Are you okay? Happy Birthday!!!" She practically shrieks.
"Thanks. I'm fine. I made it." I assure her.
"Okay, I was just making sure, have fun! Try and relax! You know it's not good for…” I cut her off before she can even finish her sentence.
"I am fine. I promise I will relax."
I hold the home button in and power the phone down. I can't afford another near heart-attack right now. I can't think of anyone I want to talk to. At this point, maybe no phone is part of healing. I throw it in the bottom of my purse. I pull out some chapstick and line my lips. They have been so dry lately, probably due to being so dehydrated. I shake my head, promising that I will genuinely try to take better care of myself.
I pull a book from one of my bags and cuddle up with a blanket on the porch. It's the only thing I still do for me. Read. It usually calms me down. Before I know it, I'm dreaming.
I feel his hands in my hair. His fingers trace my jawline.
"Let's get you inside. It's about to storm." He whispers in my ear and presses his forehead to mine.
I try to force my eyes open.Am I still dreaming?
On the off-chance I am, I keep my eyes closed. I wrap my hands around the back of his neck and feel his hair between my fingers. I press my lips to his. Just the touch sends electricity all over my body. He slides his tongue against mine and lifts me out of the chair as if I’m weightless. I wrap my legs around his waist. They fit perfectly around him, and I feel his erection hard against me.
He gently places my body onto the bed, and I feel him between my legs, setting my lady bits on fire. He kisses my neck, and the remnants of his beard rubbing against me makes me want to come right then. He pulls back, and I can tell that he is hesitant. The sexual tension between us is obviously about to kill both of us. Am I really about to have sex with this guy I've known for two days? Of course not, no way.
His eyes are piercing directly into mine.
His cheek rests against my ear as he whispers, "Blakely, I'm trying really hard to not take advantage of you right now."
His words touch my heart somehow, but that constant smirk he wears makes me want to get him naked anyway. I knew there was something about him from the first time I saw him, and I probably won't ever be able to explain it. I pull him down to my lips.