Page 14 of Ruthless Heir
“He’ll be going through a lot pretty soon,” Lil murmured as she grabbed another cracker with cheese. “And while I’m in with whatever’s going on here, I’m a little conflicted because I haven’t met my half brother yet. But we can grill him at dinner.”
Her half brother?My focus jerked to Lil, and I visually cataloged her features, looking for similarities. It was there in those distinct light-blue eyes.
“Don’t worry, Summer.” Nicole nudged me. “We’ll all be there. It’ll be a fun time.”
“Are we cooking?” Emiliana perked up, glancing at Nicole for an answer.
“It was short notice. I had the staff get started on dinner. We’ll be eating in an hour.”
“Are you dating Luc, Summer?” El asked.
“Hardly. That would be Stockholm syndrome. I’m here by threat.”
“Do tell.” El laughed. “And we’d let you go, but there must be a reason why Max agreed you could come.”
The food I’d consumed turned to a giant ball of lead in my stomach. Given how fun they were, I’d thought things would go my way and I would be out of there soon. But no. I only hoped they would make my death quick and painless if I couldn’t escape.What the hell did you get me into, Lauralee?
* * *
Stefano’s words slammed into me with the weight of a sledgehammer.Boss of the Brambilla family?That made no sense at all. I shook my head. “That’s not possible. My father is a washed-up artist living off whatever wife he’s latched onto. There are zero ties to the Mafia.”
“Not through him. Your mother came from a powerful family in Italy. That’s where your blood ties are from,” Max said. “Julia Brambilla was your mother. Liliana, my wife, is your half sister.”
“What do you mean ‘was’?”
“Julia died years ago. Did your father ever mention her?”
“No.” I saw red. He’d never mentioned her name, but he had told me how my mother had abandoned me. That was something my parents had in common and all I’d needed to know about her at the time. “How did you connect me to Julia?”
“Your birth certificate,” Stefano answered.
“Also your medical records.” Marco took a folder from the corner of the desk and slapped it against my chest. I grabbed it on reflex then flipped it open and scanned the contents, paying particular attention to my birth certificate. It wasn’t the copy I had. Mine had only my father’s name on it. But both of my parents were listed on the new one. I growled my question at Marco. “How is this possible?”
“Julia must have paid someone to change it when she left you with your father then returned to Italy. From what we know, she was in the States for art when she was sixteen. No one knew about her pregnancy.”
“Sit down, Luc. You’re gonna be here for a while.” Enzo waved me over to one of the chairs as Marco grinned and took a seat himself. Stefano leaned a shoulder against the wall and remained standing.
Bone-tired from one life-altering revelation after another, I dropped into the chair closest to Max with a glare. I wasn’t sure I wanted to stay.That fucker had better return what’s mine by the end of the day.“I’ll listen, but that doesn’t mean I’m buying what you’re selling.”
Enzo snickered. “That was a joke? Had to be. I bet you’ll change your mind when Nico drops by with your no-limit credit card.”
“Who the hell is Nico?” I needed to get all the players straight to see the chessboard.
“Nico is my brother and the one who handles things at the bank we own,” Marco supplied. “He’ll give you access to the Brambilla funds once you agree to what we’re proposing.”
“And what exactly is it you’re proposing about running the family?” They wouldn’t just hand one of the most powerful Mafia families to a virtual stranger. There had to have been a catch. And while I wanted to tell them to fuck off and walk out right then and there, what stopped me was the mention of a sister.
Max cleared his throat. “If you agree to assume your role within the Family, you’ll go through months of physical training and education about our world.”
I smirked due to my former fighting years. They responded with the same self-assurance, and it gave me pause. I couldn’t underestimate them.
“You’ll sleep, eat, and train.” Stefano’s voice cracked through the room like the law it was. “There will be little time for anything else.”
“I have a company to run.” As well as discovering the reason for Summer’s involvement in my life at the precise time when everything imploded.
“You’ll have the mornings to handle anything related to your business,” Max interjected. “With Summer here, she can help with tasks while you’re busy with us.”