Page 15 of Ruthless Heir
“Why do you need me to run the family? Isn’t someone else in line for that?”
“Benito Brambilla was boss, but he’s dead. In the interim, I’ve been managing both families. Lil, your sister, wasn’t interested in being boss,” Max said.
“Is she older?” I didn’t want to ask, but the part of me that would sacrifice anything to make sure Breanna was well was curious about this unknown-to-me sister.
“Younger by three years,” Max answered again. “You’ll meet her this evening. Nico will be around late tonight or early in the morning with your credit card.”
“What about the money you took from me?” Just saying it made me want to punch him and then the smug look off of Enzo.
“It’ll be returned by—”
“It’s chump change,” Enzo interjected, cutting Max off. “As head of the Brambilla family, you’re worth billions.”
“But only if we deem you ready, worthy.” Stefano’s statement weighed around my shoulders, adding fuel to the fire. I never shied away from a challenge.
The decision wasn’t difficult. I could juggle whatever they threw at me and run my business with John and Becca’s help. The reports about the employees in the new building would be in that night. While John would handle most things, I was interested in Summer’s file. If she proved competent, I could delegate to her then go over what she accomplished in the afternoons and give her new tasks once I got through what I could in the shortened workday.
There was no reason for me not to explore the opportunity further. I couldn’t deny the lure of getting to know my sister, even if it meant becoming a Mafia boss within the most powerful families in the States. That part, I was reluctant to accept. I was successful in the company John and I ran. But the blood tie to the sister I’d never met was what tipped the scale. I addressed Max, as he was the one who’d brought me in. “I’ll do it.”
Istayed by Nicole’s side as we moved from the all-seasons room into the kitchen, where Emiliana took over making dinner. I’d learned from Lil that Emiliana loved to cook, and they had weekly Sunday meals at her and Stefano’s place. My mouth watered at the smell of chicken cacciatore simmering on the stovetop. The staff had already prepared the salad and baked fresh bread in the woodfire oven. And on that note—they had a woodfire oven in their kitchen. Ridiculous.
Emiliana drained homemade noodles then transferred them to two serving bowls. She pulled two loaves of bread from the oven and set them on a cooling rack. The staff set the table, carried the dishes out, then got to work on cleanup while we went into the dining room.
Nicole opened another bottle of wine and poured us each a glass. I helped to distribute them, unsure if I should have any. But there was so much food that a half glass couldn’t have hurt. When everything was in place, the guys arrived. The heavenly smell of dinner and the boisterous noise from their wives was surely what drew them.
There were so many people, and my heart pounded with the number of weapons I cataloged on the guys and their wives. When I spotted Luc’s hulking form, I had to grip the back of the chair I stood behind to keep from going to him for no other reason than his familiarity. Before he could come over, Max stopped him. Lil was by Max’s side, almost directly in front of Luc. I could see his face but not hers. Whatever they were discussing caused that guarded expression I’d come to know all too well to slide over his features.
Sofia hip-checked me. “Sit.” Then she leaned in to whisper, “Let the games begin.”
The tension in my shoulders eased, and I grinned at her as I took a seat. She occupied the one on my left. I thought—hoped—that one of the other girls would sit on my right, but Luc claimed the chair.
His thigh pressed against mine. My fingers curled around the fork, and I fantasized about stabbing him in that muscular thigh, still angry that he’d coerced me into coming there with him. I wondered whether it would pierce his skin or bend. I lifted it an inch off the table, unable to resist the urge to find out before Luc’s large hand covered mine.
“I wouldn’t recommend it.”
I released my hold on the fork to escape his touch, growling, “Then move over, please.” His response was to grab the base of my seat and yank it close so there was no space between us. I muttered about his ridiculousness for his ears only. “Pretty unprofessional.”
“That went out the door last night.”
Heat flooded my cheeks. “Stop bringing that up. It was a mistake and the first time I’d ever been to that bar. I wish I’d never gone.”
“Trouble in paradise?” Enzo drew our attention from the other side of Sofia, and I didn’t think it was possible, but my face heated to uncomfortable degrees.
“Not at all,” Luc answered for us while I sipped my wine. “Summer wasn’t thrilled when I told her we had to finish up an hour of work after dinner tonight.”
Two could play that game. “I’ve come to terms with it, since he promised to book me a flight home tonight.”
Luc took the bread Emiliana offered, taking one for himself and depositing a slice on my plate before passing it to Sofia. “That was before my plans changed. Don’t worry, Summer. We’ll go over everything, including overtime pay, after dinner.”
Huh, overtime?I side-eyed him before dishing salad into my bowl while Luc gave us both generous portions of the chicken cacciatore over pasta. Maybe I could stay if he paid for my hotel and gave me per diem for meals. I could hide from the Amato thug, surrounded by even scarier people. There was a chance Ben wouldn’t find me among them.
“You’ll stay here, Summer,” Nicole announced, and I smiled at her kindness.
“Thank you, but I don’t want to be an imposition.” I liked her, though, and wouldn’t have minded staying in her gorgeous manor.