Page 33 of Her Vengeful King
″Well then, don’t.” He pauses, smirking. “Or do.”
Scotty says, “I’ll have Sean bring a crew down first thing in the morning. They’ll do it while you’re at work, Doc. And then when you get home, we will walk you through the security system. You’ll know where every camera is, okay?”
″I don’t like this. Can’t I just go to a hotel or something? I should call the police.”
″No!” Scotty and Callum say in unison.
I look at them skeptically. “Uhm... Yes.”
″We will handle it,” Callum promises and turns to Scotty. “Call Cillian and have him stand guard outside. I’ll stay here, too.”
My eyes widen, shooting him a knowing look. ”I was about to say you couldn’t come inside before this all happened. That still stands.”
Callum grins, eyes sparkling with amusement. “No sex, love. I’ll sleep on the couch while you’re snuggled alone in bed. It’s to make sure no one breaks in, okay?”
I huff, pushing away from the counter. “Fine.”
″Scotty, when Cillian gets here, go to Declan’s. He’ll be waiting for you.”
Scotty recoils but nods his head and gives me a timid smile as he leaves. The nervousness in his actions doesn’t go unnoticed.
″Who is Declan?” I ask.
″My other brother.”
″And what does your ‘other brother’ do?”
″Business owner.” He clears his throat, stepping closer to me. “Now. Come here and give me another one of those kisses.”
I roll my eyes as his arms wrap around my waist. He pulls me in tight but I move my head out of the way, his lips brushing the top of my head.
My fingers scratch his chin. “That kiss was a one-and-done type of thing to get you back. You were kind of zoned out.”
Though I am busting his balls, I enjoy his embrace. I rest my head on his chest and he squeezes me. This hold... it’s intimate. There is a force between us, gravity pulling us together, and I feel...
Fuck. For the first time since Sarah died, I feelsafe.
The word pushes against my chest. It’s heavy, and I inhale, trying to ignore the pressure. This isn’t a panic attack, it’sfear. Fear that Callum will do something to me and I will never be able to forgive him.
Where is the other shoe? When will it drop?
Surely, this can’t be as perfect as I believe.
″What is it, love?” Callum’s voice rumbles in my ear, pulling me to the present.
″Nothing. I should get to bed, Cal.”
He nods, letting me go. “Sure.”
″And you don’t have to sleep on the couch. There’s a guest room.”
″Yeah. Okay.”
He follows me upstairs, and I direct him to the second room. As I leave, he grabs my wrist, holding me in place. His eyes twinkle as he smiles softly. I want to kiss him again, but I don’t want him to get any ideas.
I’m not ready for more. I don’t know if I ever will be.
Lena greets me with a warm coffee as I approach the nurse’s station at the start of my shift. She eyes the new bodyguard, Cillian, and waggles her eyebrows. “Where’s the blonde one?” He’s younger than Scotty, probably in his early twenties, with a baby face to boot. His brown hair is shaved, whereas Scotty’s has longer, blond hair that he uses gel to style.