Page 34 of Her Vengeful King
″Day off,” I say. I grab the coffee, sipping it as I turn to Cillian.
″He’s one of the Murphy boys?”
I nod, resting my elbow on the counter.
″Jesus, Haley. Which brother do you have it in for?”
She spits out her coffee, choking as the liquid runs down her chin. “You’re fucking Cal Murphy? Oh shit! No wonder you’ve got an armed man running around here.”
″We’re not fucking,” I say a bit too quickly. I blush a bit, ducking my head to avoid eye contact with her.
″You’re not fucking Callum Murphy, but he has a bodyguard on you? Please spill the tea on how you hooked that one.”
″He’s helping me with a stalker thing.”
″You have a stalker?”
Nodding, I drink from my cup again. I hold it to my lips, hiding my smile. I have a stalker, but I also have a Callum sleeping under my roof. And that eye candy is enough to make me forget about my problem.
″Jesus H Christ. So Drake is into you, you don’t want him. Cal is into you, you don’t fuck him. And you’ve got a mystery stalker? What I’m hearing is that I need to stop putting out so soon. Make them beg for it.”
I wince at her statement. If only she knew the reasons behind my nonexistent sexual activity. I can’t confide in her. No matter how nice she is, she is a nurse and I’m a doctor. There are boundaries I can’t cross with her.
″You can have Drake,” I say. “And the stalker. I’ll keep Callum, though.”
She lets out a low whistle at my retort. “So, Cal Murphy does it for you, huh? Not surprised. He’s the richest bachelor in the city. And hot as fuck. Those tattoos. And that accent. Can you hook me up with a brother, please, girl?”
I snort, pushing off the counter. “Well, considering Paddy is a playboy, I think your chances of nailing him down for something serious are very slim. Sean seems like an okay kid. But he’s just that. A kid. And I haven’t met the other one. But if he’s single, I’ll keep you in mind.”
I toss her a wink as I leave. “I’ll see you around. Have to check in with the last doc on shift.”
″See you.”
As I leave, my mind races to Callum. Lena’s right. I have to give him what he wants if I want to keep him. My mouth dries at the thought of sex.
I need to figure this out before he gets bored.
Hours of research between seeing patients, and I’ve concluded I’m going to cry the first time I have sex. I also need to get to fucking therapy to work this shit out.
The one thing I know is I have to be honest with him. And that makes me want to crawl into a hole and die.
When I arrive home, Callum is standing in my living room, barking orders at a man, and what I notice almost immediately catches me off guard. Today, he is wearing black.
I hang my work bag on the hook and enter, eyes wide as I take in my home. One man is drilling a camera into the corner of my living room wall while another is taking measurements of my kitchen island.
Callum doesn’t notice me until I am standing right beside him. His head turns quickly, smiling when his eyes meet mine. Before I can speak, his lips are against mine, wet and delicious. I can taste the whiskey on his lips.
Is this what we do now? We greet each other with quick pecks on the mouth?
″How was work?”
His question catches me off guard. He cares about my job? My brows draw in confusion, and I frown. “Fine. Why are you in a black suit?”
He chuckles. Uhm, okay… didn’t realize I was a comedian. “I can wear more than one type of suit, can’t I?”
″Every time I’ve seen you, you’ve worn blue.”