Page 14 of Torpid Dagger
Briar was watching Bain leave the room quietly. As soon as the door shut, she swiveled her calculating stare onto me. “You’re planning on tricking this prince, aren’t you?”
Instead of responding to her question, I flipped through the remaining pages of the book to make sure we didn’t need anything else. My only hope was that Cian’s blood would cover Muir’s end when it came to that. At least he helped with something before he was slaughtered.
“I need to you to promise me that you are willing to do whatever it takes to help us defeat Morrigan. More specifically, I need your oath that you’ll fuck Cian.”
“Why just him?” Her eyes narrowed.
“Because, you’re right that we’ll be tricking him. He’ll be home soon, and you’re going to pretend to be a whore for him to use you. I need your word that you can pull it off.” Finding a letter opener on the table, I sliced my palm and handed it to her to do the same. Gullible, it almost hurt me with how fast she did it. This woman had no idea that she was about to fuck a man with the same face as her lost love, but I now had it in a blood oath that she would.
“Good.” Unbuttoning my tunic, she watched her blood and mine smear over the fabric from my lack of caring. There was a sense of dullness sweeping over my senses, dimming me from feeling the guilt and sorrow. As the first of the remaining princes, I was giving myself to her with the knowledge I’d never give myself to another. That was something I also kept from the princess. “Now, remove your pants and corset.”
“Right now?” she squeaked, peering around the room to see where we were. “But anyone could see us.”
“You’re a whore.” Reaching forward, I yanked the ties to her neckline, tearing it down a little more to see her supple breasts rounding through the crack. “Play the part and look it.”
Her mind finally caught up to my plans from telling Bain to have Cian find me. “You’re going to mate me right now while making it look like I’m a whore you brought with you to entice him…”
“You’re new meat, and he’ll want to sample. Sex is the easiest way to talk to Cian because nothing else matters to him. Without him mating you, we won’t complete this,” I warned her of the consequence. “Morrigan will win.”
“Which is why you made me promise to do so,” she whispered to herself. I wouldn’t argue with her on the subject.
Undoing my pants, her eye’s widened at the sight of my shaft. There was a slight dilation in them behind the sheer surprise taking over her other features. There was no denying that my truth bothered her about Muir being Philip, but she didn’t want us to think her weak. There was a constant fight going on inside her mind, and I could see it cloud her eyes. She didn’t know that we’d all be tied together once we did this, so she slipped her pants down with ease.
Unbuckling her corset, I could see how nervous she was to do this. I had no doubt that Muir was the only man she had laid with, and with her barely being of age before being put to sleep, it couldn’t have been more than a handful of times. Muir would’ve waited for her to become a woman from our age difference.
“Just sit on the table and spread your legs,” I commanded gently, stroking my own length to harden more. The nymph had caused me to tent just a bit while we were working at the larger table that fit our kind, so it didn’t take much to get me there. Unlike my brothers, I didn’t fuck often. It helped to feel aroused faster now.
Briar lifted herself to sit on the surface with her hands to make the leap, shy about revealing herself to me. Her blonde tresses also brushed the table as though she was a goddess teasing me. One of her breasts was revealed when the shoulder of her shirt slipped down from my large tear. When she went to conceal herself from feeling embarrassed, I hurried to stop her as I stared at the pointed center. Like little cherries ripe for picking, I let my mouth fall over the darker pink color to have a taste. Briar gasped from my boldness right before she hummed in pleasure.
My leg pressed between her knees to open them up for both thighs to invade her space. A tremble shook them as she widened her stance for me and scooted her ass closer to the edge for me to have better access.
Letting go of her nipple with a bite of teeth, I couldn’t help but give it one more lick before taking my mouth to her ear. “I promise, this will feel good, Little Rose.”
Her eyes were sealed shut when she felt my tip at her entrance. Instead of just shoving in, I swirled my head between her folds before dragging it up and down her clit. Her warmth heated her wetness, lubricating me for the moment I did thrust in.
Once I knew her mind was clear of the fear, I let myself inside of her. Almost as though she was a virgin again, a century of sleep made her channel choke my cock. A tingle traveled down my spine from never feeling such tightness before now. Virgins weren’t my kink, so this was a new sensation for me to experience, one I’d never forget.
With a gasp, her eyes opened while I was hissing. With shallow thrusts, I moved in and out enough to help her open up completely for me. Our eyes stayed locked in the moment from it.
Biting my lip, I drew my blood for her to see before dropping my mouth to hers. Knowing what to do, she lapped her tongue over the cut, tasting me completely. My tongue batted hers to stay back right before I let my teeth sink into her bottom lip. This was it, I was forever merging with this human, claiming her as my queen forever. The only solace I felt outside of saving my world was that Muir fell for her once. If he found a goodness within her that was enough for him to abandon Faerie for, then I’d trust it now for myself to do the same.
The crimson taste of copper left a tang along my tongue, a groan finding me from the delight sweeping through me. My hips ground harder with hers, and she began to join me, meeting my movements with her own. We both kept fighting to taste the little hints of blood on the other’s lip from the uniting magic working. A throb pulsed through my lip as she sucked over the cut a little harder.
We were like savages once the sensation set in as I lied her back on the table to level myself over her. With the intensity of the magic bonding us together, it was as though I could feel her inside of me. I knew she probably felt it as well from how she closed her eyes to understand what was happening. As her brows pinched, she stilled to embrace it, and I took control.
Knowing to lift her legs for better access, it wasn’t a secret that she had done this before. Briar broke a certain rule we knew princesses weren’t allowed to in her world. Though, I was grateful for her experience now because fucking virgins was hard when you had to teach them how to position themselves. Her secret was safe with us because she was about to be ours forever.
With us sealing that vow, I reached my hand down to circle her swollen clit. She gasped, her eyes widening from the surprise of my touch against her aching nub. Trying to see what I was doing to her, she lifted herself onto her elbows to have a glance at where my two fingers swirled her flesh, gently pressing against her pubic bone for better friction.
My eyes feasted upon her as her heaving chest lifted the single tit that hung out of it from the sleeve hanging off her shoulder. The woman was truly stunning in the physical attributes needed for me to feel aroused by her. Only time would tell how our personalities would combine, especially after she learned of my betrayal.
Slipping in and out of her, I felt when her body was peaking to orgasm. It was in the way her channel began to tighten around my length, begging me to never pull out of her. There was this tingling that heightened along my spine, drawing a shiver from me right before I lowered my mouth to hers. Closing my eyes, I let myself tug on her lip to draw more blood from it. She did the same to mine as we clashed our mouths together to have another taste.
That was the moment we both gave in completely. It was almost a compulsion we couldn’t fight from being so close. With her coppery scent freshly coating my tongue, we reached new heights during our euphoric passion. It was everything I wasn’t prepared to feel when claiming this stranger as my mate.
At first, I thought we’d only merge for a power combination, but I was gravelly mistaken. Everything within me began to hyper focus on her, ensuring she was my only priority. Worry painted my stare because I knew what I was setting her up to do.
And as voices traveled our way from down the hall, I knew there wasn’t any time to change direction of the course I had laid out. Cian wouldn’t willingly do this, and I had to make sure Briar didn’t see his face before he stuck it in.