Page 15 of Torpid Dagger
Lifting her as we continued to erupt in pleasure, I sat back onto a chair and made her straddle my lap for her to face away from the door. Her eyes were watery in a way that told me she wasn’t prepared to feel what she now was for me, not after Muir’s claim on her. It was a level of appreciation for the other that our souls put first.
With the voices growing louder, I knew Cian was coming in to yell at me for intruding into his home. Briar instantly stiffened, knowing what was about to happen with her body as our weapon. She just didn’t know he’d have the same face as his dead twin.
Getting her attention, I bucked my softening cock into her again. It was time for the performance neither of us were prepared to give. “Kiss my neck and begin to move. Whores ride their cocks.”
“Whores ride their cocks,” he last whispered to me.
The truth of it came over me from what he was doing. He planned to trap the lost prince right now by having me pretend to be a whore he was enjoying. The understanding swept through me briefly in the form of hesitation, but the fear was momentary when I told myself this was the only way to kill the woman who took my loved ones away.
Finding my balance, I let my hands grasp the sides of the chair to lift my hips before sitting myself against his crotch again. His dick was semi-hard now that we finished our round, so I kept it partially inside of me to not let him fall out. At first, it was a struggle for me to figure out all that riding entailed, but I got the hang of it the more I moved.
“Don’t stop,” Cullen murmured. Even though I could tell this was pleasuring him, his command was more from the sound of someone using the handle to open the library.
“Cullen! You slimy little bastard! I told you to never step foot in my castle again, or I’d rip your balls off!” The bellowing voice could only mean our special guest had arrived.
Right when I locked up, Cullen sat forward to kiss me in a way to prevent me from facing the new evil. It was kind of him, and the kiss felt real with the bond we had established. He was forever my mate, and when in his arms, I didn’t feel like I was betraying Philip. It was as though the tether between us made the pain in my chest ease just a smidge.
Letting that carry me now, I didn’t let the new presence in the room bother me. Cullen smirked against my lips just as he pulled away to deal with the threat. I let my lips find the length of his throat to kiss it, nibbling here and there to draw a moan from him. From my time with Philip, I knew a little about this, but I learned more in five minutes with the nymphs in the castle than I ever had while having sex with Philip. He was too kind to ask me for more in the short time we were sexually active.
“Can you not see that I’m a little busy?” Cullen’s tone was nonchalant, unafraid of Cian’s wrath. His hands settled on the back of my thighs, lifting the roundness of my ass to give them a better view from the back of his cock being sheathed inside of me.
“With a human whore?” Cian sounded less than pleased, seeing the view Cullen provided with my ass and the bareness of my upper back as I let the other sleeve of my top travel too far south for Cullen to see both my breasts in his face.
“Who said she was human?” Cullen lazily drawled.
“Just because she smells like one of us, doesn’t mean her petite size doesn’t tell me.” The man behind me was not thrilled of my kind from the sound of it. “You barged into my home to steal a book for my mother, and I find you fucking your pet in my library.”
“This is still your mother’s home, and she really needed that book.” Cullen accidentally let the past tense of that word slip, but he recovered quickly to not let Cian figure that out. “Look, we’ll be out of your hair by morning.”
“Oh really?” Cian’s boots stomped against the stone floor to move closer to us. I couldn’t see him from facing Cullen, but his looming presence helped me know he was right behind me. It was like being licked by a heavier darkness than the one that had already hollowed my soul.
“Look, we didn’t come empty handed.” Cullen literally lifted my ass off his dick, bending me for my face to fall over his shoulder.
“You’re trying to entice me with a whore? Me? The man who literally has fifteen nymphs at his beck and call,” Cian scoffed. Part of me wanted to turn around and rebuff his claims that I was incomparable to his harem of women, but I remembered the promise I gave to Cullen to get this done.
Staying put with my ass in his view, I did something unexpected by us all. Thanks to the nymphs playing with themselves, I gained more understanding of how to do it to myself. Reaching for the valley of my legs between Cullen’s chest and mine, I let my fingers swirl and rub over my entrance. Whimpering, I knew by the sounds of his personal whores, he must like the begging aspect. His member must not be as long as the others to need such reassurance.
“Briar here isn’t like the others. She’s only recently lost her virginity and has been a little… Bain, what’s a good word to describe her desperation?” Cullen subtly let me know that it wasn’t just Cian seeing me do what I was doing. Without pausing my actions, I rubbed Cullen’s release all around my entrance.
“I think the word you’re looking for is insatiable. She’s been insatiably ravenous for our cocks,” Bain quipped as though he too had used me.
“Oh? And who had the honors of deflowering the little human of her premarital value?” Cian asked.
Unsure of what answer they’d give, I knew I couldn’t let Philip fill my mind right now. There was no forgiveness for the path I had chosen to take. Philip deserved the real me in his death, but she slipped more and more now that I had woken up in barren lands.
Cullen rubbed down my back to make it appear sexual to the men behind me, but I knew he sensed my suffering. He was doing it to console me silently, and I grew a little more appreciation for him. Cullen wasn’t necessarily mean, but he wasn’t an open book either.
Cullen shrugged with the shoulder I wasn’t resting over. “One of the princes you know. We had to make sure she was virgin tight, and she still is. Now, you tell me the last time you had a pussy the clenched around your dick and made you feel like coming instantly.”
“Nymphs don’t get loose,” he tried to argue, but even I could hear the failing of it as it rolled off his tongue. He was enticed by the idea of me being tight. I wasn’t exactly sure as to why, but I figured it came from how used a vagina was. But that just felt wrong on so many levels because we were expected to have children for men like this. Does the mother not deserve the utmost respect for that? Having sexual relations with women who haven’t had a child for the tightness felt wrong to me.
Though, I recalled when Cullen told me I was new meat Cian would want to sample. Well, it was time to show him the meat he’d be sampling. Moving my second hand to join the first, I hooked my chin to help keep myself balanced properly over Cullen’s shoulder. With two hands in position, I spread the outer lips of my womanhood, giving him a better view of the tighter interior.
“As you can see, this human isn’t even close,” Cullen hummed his approval of my actions. “Just give us a night, Cian. Have a taste of what has us getting hard on our travels, and we’ll leave at sunrise.”