Page 16 of Torpid Dagger
“Sunrise,” the dark prince growled for Cullen to repeat the time as a promise.
“No later,” he sighed with his flaccid cock resting on his thigh as his and my orgasm sat around it. The man did nothing to clean himself, and I wasn’t sure why that felt even dirtier to me.
Without warning, a hand smacked mine away from my entrance right before a dick was brutally shoved inside of me from behind. Gasping, I wasn’t prepared for his demanding intrusion. He took me raw and hard like I was a true whore in his hold.
Closing my eyes, I bore through it as he rutted into me like an animal just fucking for relief. Maybe this was what I needed to remind me that I was still here. A small part of me felt like I didn’t exist from crashing back into this new life. Nothing that I remembered was the same, and I secretly hated losing so much.
Crying out, I told the man behind me how much it hurt. This was what he needed to continue on, spurring his thrusts to hit me harder, pulsing pain to my core. His hand slapped my ass to draw a welp from my lips. No remorse for it was heard as he cackled maliciously. He knew I hadn’t been broken in like this, and I was only a whore in his eyes.
His strong hand came around my throat, lifting me upward by my slender neck. My eyes met Cullen’s briefly as I winced in suffering. He kept a stoic face to act as though none of this bothered him. His hands fell to his sides, next to my knees still straddling him on the chair. He brushed the back of my knee with a finger to secretly let me know I wasn’t in this alone.
I signed up for this. If this was how we tricked the dark prince, then I trusted Cullen’s judgment. If I couldn’t trust him, then I had no one, and I wasn’t prepared to wander this different world alone.
Cian let his hand travel to capture my chin, forcefully tugging it for me to look at him. It was then I understood why the taste of blind trust was so bitter. When you lied in a pit of vipers, they were never your friend, and I had just been bitten in the cruelest way.
Cullen wanted me to promise I’d go through with this because he knew how hard it would be for me once I saw the face of the man that looked completely parallel to Philip’s perfection. Down his left cheek and eye sat a brutal scar that promised he knew a different level of pain, radiating through his cold stare as he snarled at my reaction to his face. He thought it was from his deep marring, but it wasn’t.
Forcing me to be away from him again, I closed my eyes to bear through it. This man might have black hair instead of gold, but their sharp features were the same.
He only took me harder, squeezing the air from my throat with his hand. Sweat gathered around my brow as a silent hiss left my mouth from his roughness. His cock kept plunging inside of me like he was hammering a nail. The depth he reached nearly hurt on its own.
He forced me to stay up on my knees, pressed against him as he twisted the center of my breast to hurt me more. Weeping, it wasn’t even from his ruthless authority over me. It was from seeing a man do it to me that shared the face of my greatest love.
A single tear gathered enough to streak my cheek, and Cullen got to witness it. His eyes softened for a single second because we both knew what he had done to me. The sheer agony inside my soul burned greater than the sun on the hottest summer day. I couldn’t describe what it felt like to hurt so much physically, but it still didn’t hurt more than my heart. Cullen just helped break me, knowing this man was the twin of my lover, and that he was going to hurt me.
From the corner of my eye, I could make out Bain sitting on the side as a woman knelt between his legs. His eyes were watching what Cian did to me, but he was having someone else pleasure him. The blue woman gagged and choked on his dick as her head bobbed up and down over it. I wanted to cry even more because I knew he was using her to get hard enough to plunge into me after the dark prince was done.
“You’re right, Cullen. The tightest I’ve had in a century,” Cian chuckled.
A century…
If only he knew mine had been inactive that whole time for this moment. A throaty groan left his mouth as his tip began to pulse inside of me. This was the moment I needed to prepare myself to act. The blood share had to happen, but so did the climax. I had to handle this perfectly and not let the pain of my past hinder my present.
Sparing one last glance to the hidden guilt on Cullen’s face, I squared my jaw to show him that Morrigan’s death was more important than his lies. He’d suffer that choice later.
Righting my shoulders, I turned my head in his hold to cast my eyes upon Cian’s face. Tears blanketed my cheeks, but it wasn’t his choking that created them. Just when I felt him about to come, I had my teeth pull open the cut Cullen made on my lip. Without hesitation, I jerked forward too fast for Cian to react. Biting into his lip, I drew blood as I made sure my tongue swiped my own inside his mouth.
When he reared back as he came, triggering mine to seal the bond, he growled. Neither of us could concentrate while coming, so I let it pass through me. Shrugging, I smirked at the devil wearing the handsome face of Philip. “If you like giving pain, I could only assume you like to receive it.”
Diving back for my mouth, the man in charge of my body bit twice as hard into my lip than Cullen did. Hissing out loud, I felt him smirk around the clamping of his teeth. Pulling away, I knew it was just a tactic to establish dominance with me. He had no idea he helped seal what I had been up to all along.
“I will always hurt you more than you can hurt me,” he growled.
Wincing, I looked away from the man with the large scar on his face. “You have no idea how true that is.”
I thought I whispered it, but there was a flicker in Cian’s eyes that told me my words hit a nerve of recognition. We had met once before, but he didn’t have that scar when we visited his brother. Philip had hair like sunshine, Cian’s was the color of night. It even had a blue tint in the black shade.
“What did you say your name was?” His mind was trying to place me from one hundred years ago, but it was only a single year in my mind. He came out the year before my life turned upside down.
My lips parted to speak, but it was Bain that placed his hand on Cian’s shoulder. “If you’re done, I’d like to use the whore next.”
His hand gripped around the girth of his shaft as he showed all of us how ready he was. It wasn’t a secret that a nymph had been sucking him as he watched me be stripped of any dignity I had left. Cian wanted answers, but he knew better than to make a scene right now.
Letting go of me all at once, he caused me to fall into Cullen’s front. My breasts were at the level of his face as his nose landed between both. I tried to right myself as fast as possible, but Cian yanked his cock from my pussy at that exact moment, causing me to lose my balance. He was making me feel hollow and lowly. The prissy prince left the room as his dick was still hanging from the ties of his leather pants.
“Let’s go, Rada. I’m sure I’ll be in need of your services during my shower. My cock won’t lick itself clean.” With both the extra eyes leaving, I knew the gig was up. I no longer had to pretend, and I kept my word to the man I still straddled.
Bain dropped his act for needing to use me so abruptly with it being only the three of us. His eyes tracked to the door to make sure the dark prince wasn’t coming back. “Were you able to do it?”