Page 14 of Valkyrie
“Yeah, because there’s a hell of a lot that happened after we hung up. The air marshal was the one who slipped the hijackers the bullets, and we believe he was the one who got the explosives through security. Smith put it together at the same time I did. We were separated, and he took down the air marshal.”
“He’s a good man, scary intelligent even though he won’t let anyone see it,” Smoke said to no one in particular.
“The name of the air marshal?” CCS asked.
“Geoff Parker is the name he gave Smithson,” Val relayed.
“On it.”
“We need to have someone at MI5 to pick him up. I can’t show my face.” Val wasn’t going to leave him out there. Hell, he didn’t have any money. Just his passport. She rolled her eyes at herself. Stupid. Damn it. She should have anticipated emergencies.
“Who do we have in London?” Fury asked.
“Harbinger,” Anubis answered.
“Get him up to speed.”
“On it.”
“I’m at the Corinthia. Room nine-forty-five. We’re staying together.”
“And if he’s followed?”
“Why would he be? He’s not a suspect,” Val reminded him. “We’ve validated him, right? There shouldn’t be any reason to follow him.”
“Always prepare for the unexpected,” Smoke reminded her.
“Fine. I’ll change appearance until we’re clear of this mess.” She was a chameleon. Hair color, makeup, height … They were all changeable qualities.
“Hold up, everyone,” an unfamiliar voice interrupted.
“Bengal? What the hell?” Fury snapped.
“Turn on your television. Any news channel. It’s the Hague. The Peace Palace has been attacked. A small single-engine aircraft. It had to be packed with explosives. Half a co-located building is gone.”
Val’s head whipped toward the room where she’d left the televisions. “Holy shit. My televisions are in the bathroom unplugged. What’s happening?”
There was silence for a long moment, and she knew everyone was watching the events at the Hague. “Is there an active trial today?” Fury spat out the question.
“Hold on, I’m checking.” CCS’ clipped reply came quickly.
“Ah, shit. Melvin Komal. He’s one bad dude. He was indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court in the Hague in 2010 but evaded capture until two years ago. He’s been in a supermax facility awaiting trial.”
“Attack at the weakest security point,” Smoke said.
CCS spoke quickly, “Archangel wants an all-call. Standby.”
“I’ll sign out,” Val volunteered.
“No, it looks like these assholes attempted to do what was done to us on nine-eleven. You’re involved.” Fury stopped her from hanging up.
“Dom Ops is on.”
“Alpha is on.”
“Archangel, this is CCS. We’re ready, plus one.”