Page 15 of Valkyrie
“Valkyrie. She was involved in stopping a transatlantic hijacking along with Smithson Young.”
There was silence for a moment. “A coordinated strike? Why does that name sound familiar?” The gravelly voice of the head of the entire company came across the connection.
“He was Mrs. Henshaw’s caretaker. And yeah, they could be taking a page out of the history books,” the man who identified himself as Dom Ops said.
“Melvin Komal is on trial at the Hague.”
“That’s what the CIA just briefed me on. Too much going on now on the ground, so we don’t know what his status is, but it sounds like something he or his supporters would do.”
“I’m not familiar with him,” Dom Ops said.
“Melvin Komal is the leader of the Universal Resistance Army, known as the URA. It’s a guerrilla group that used to operate out of Africa. He’s the kingpin who ordered the abduction of children throughout South Africa and, whew … seven other African nations. The kids are taken to become child soldiers or sold as sex slaves. Over sixty-six thousand children have become child soldiers, and the total is still out on sex slaves. Some estimate three times that amount. He’s funded and provided child soldiers to wars he’s started that have displaced over two million people. He’s a major league slime ball.” The woman in CCS rattled off the information.
Val had heard about the guy, but he’d never been targeted. One of the ones who was supposed to be handled by the courts to show the population that civilized society was actively prosecuting the world's monsters.
“Valkyrie, give me a bullet point on your situation.” Val gave Archangel a concise briefing about what had happened on the plane.
“All right, I’m inclined to think this was a coordinated event. The timing is too close not to be. I’ll brief our counterparts. Where’s Young now?”
“MI5. They wanted his statement.”
“Valkyrie is in the clear?”
“I’ve deleted all footage of her from when she entered the terminal to when she left in a taxi,” CCS confirmed.
“It’s going to drive them crazy and may make her a suspect,” Dom Ops interjected.
“You are correct. I’ll tell them to stand the hell down. They won’t like it, but we’ve returned the favor when they’ve had operators in our country.” Archangel was silent for a moment before he continued, “What are the ramifications of Young’s involvement?”
“An upgrade to his clearance is needed. He’s been with us since the Simmons incident. Solid. Steady. He also came to our aid when the Siege took down our headquarters. Helped me get Jewell and Bengal out of CCS after he and I dug out Phoenix and the Operator. He’s quality,” Smoke spoke rapidly.
“That’s where I recognize the name. Do what you need to do. Valkyrie, he’s your responsibility until we get his clearance upgraded.”
“I already told her that.” Fury’s voice dripped with sarcasm.
“Good for you,” Archangel quipped. “Alpha, we may have to deploy teams to support the Hague situation. I need you to bring the teams back into the fold. We’re half-assing our CCS functions, but we’re back, starting now.”
“Alpha copies.”
“We’re three-quarter-assing our CCS functions.”
Val smiled at the retort. The woman sounded insulted.
Archangel grunted. “Sorry, you are correct. Everyone clear on what they’re doing?”
“Crystal,” Fury drawled.
“Archangel out.”
“Alpha out.”
“Have you contacted Harbinger?” Fury asked.
“I have. He’s waiting on my call,” Anubis confirmed.
“All right. Val, you keep Young in your sights at all times.”
“I plan on it.” Boy, did she ever.