Page 17 of Forbidden Freedom
She pouts at him. “But I just got here. Let me talk to Gemma for a little bit. She must be bored out of her mind with you two old snooze-balls here.”
Ash gasps. “What? I’m younger than Teo.”
Luna shrugs. “Not by much. You just turned thirty, and he’s thirty-two.”
Matteo grinds his jaw. “You two are insane. Ash, call me when you’re done.”
Ash nods, focusing back on his work.
Luna leans closer, her eyes as wide as saucers. “Is it true my brother got engaged tonight?”
“What the fuck?” Ash stops once more.
I’m starting to wonder if Matteo was right, and these two really are insane.
Maybe also kind of fun, though.
Luna couldn’t be any more opposite to her brother. There’s this spark in her eyes that screams of adventurous days and wild nights, a spark I once had, too, before my life changed forever.
Would I be more like Luna now if things hadn’t changed? This confident woman who appears so full of life?
Apparently, my body has turned into the proverbial water cooler because Luna and Ash catch each other up on what transpired tonight at the bar. I’m not sure where Luna got all the information from, but it’s as if she was there.
She scrunches up her nose. “I still can’t believe he got engaged.” Her gaze bores into Ash. “You really didn’t know about it?”
The doctor shakes his head. “Not a single clue.”
Luna tilts her head to the side. “We must be missing something. He’s been acting all sorts of weird since our cousin died, but marrying some random woman he doesn’t know is so not Matteo.”
“I can still hear you,” the devil himself calls from behind the slightly ajar door.
“Grumpy butt,” Luna mumbles then sighs. “I wish Mom was here. She was always the only one who could talk sense into him or my dad.”
At that, Ash pauses, his expression soft. “She was good at that.”
Luna nods, and with that, their conversation comes to a halt, and Ash concentrates on my wound again.
My brain is spinning from all this information, and I’m still not sure if I should be laughing or crying about this whole situation.
If someone told me a few hours ago how today would pan out, I’d have howled in their face. Everything that happened sounds insane; itfeelsinsane.
I yawn behind my hand when Ash finally pulls back, the needle and string still in his hand.
“All done?” I glance at him, hoping the answer is yes.
Thank goodness.
As entertaining as it was to listen to these two gossip about Matteo, I could really use some sleep.
Ash nods at Luna. “Get your brother, will you?”
The siblings walk in less than a minute later, Matteo appearing annoyed to no end.
How incredibly satisfying.
Ash regards his friend. “I don’t need to tell you how important it is to make sure her wound doesn’t get infected. Wash it out twice a day with water and put some antibiotic ointment on it before applying a new bandage. No shower for the first twenty-four hours. And we’ll check the stitches next week. If there’s any sign of infection, call me immediately. I’m going to leave you with antibiotics as a precaution, as well as pain medication. Any questions?”