Page 18 of Forbidden Freedom
The last bit was directed at me, and my wide eyes must say it all because he chuckles.
“No worries, Gemma. You’ll be okay. You’re lucky the bullet only grazed your waist. And Matteo has lots of experience with wounds, so you’ll be in good hands with him.”
I’m not sure if it’s possible to be in good hands with that man, but I say, “Thank you,” anyway.
So far, Matteo has brought nothing but chaos into my life.
And pleasure.
But I’m going to smother that hussy right this second.
No more anything with Matteo.
Luna gasps, and I’m not sure if her eyes or her smile are bigger. “Gemma’s staying here?”
“Yes,” Matteo grumbles at the same time I say, “No.”
No way am I staying here withhim.
Matteo ignores me, his gaze on his sister. “She’s staying with me until this whole situation is resolved. Her father agrees she’s safest here for now.”
Oh my God, he’s such a liar. That is so not what happened.
“Maybe you should get her out of the city and take her upstate.” She scans the white-and-gray bedroom. “No one wants to stay in this boring place anyway. Plus, Gemma can get a nice break and get better far away from this mess.”
Matteo closes his eyes and exhales slowly.
Mmmm. Maybe that’s not the worst idea after all. I’m sure I can figure out a way to avoid Matteo most of the time.
I think I like Luna.
Not just because of how vibrant and full of life she is, but also because she seems to annoy the shit out of her brother. It’s not her fault she’s related to him, so I can’t hold that against her.
I yawn for what feels like the five hundredth time in the last five minutes, and Ash stands. “Time for Gemma to get some sleep. Teo, come here and help me to slowly prop her up so she can have some water first.”
Instead of coming over, Matteo goes to the nightstand and grabs something black from it. He pushes on it, and the mattress slowly lifts.
Ash’s eyebrows rise. “And you didn’t think to tell me that earlier?”
One of Matteo’s shoulders shrugs. “It’s new. I forgot about it.”
“Of course you did. It sure will come in handy when someone’s injured.” Ash takes the water cup from the nightstand on the other side of the bed and brings it to my mouth.
Matteo watches the interaction, but I’m too happy for the water to fill my dry mouth and run down my throat to care about him right now. And too tired. So very tired.
Getting shot apparently zaps the energy right out of you.
The water is gone too fast, but I’m not sure I could keep my eyes open for longer anyway. I have no clue what time it is, but it must be the middle of the night by now.
* * *
The next timeI wake up, the room is bathed in sunlight.
Did I sleep through the whole night?
I rub my hand over one eyelid and groan the second I touch hard eyelashes. Of course, I didn’t wash off my makeup last night. With everything going on, that didn’t even occur to me.
“Are you in pain?”