Page 31 of Purge
“Please.” I clung to him,begging with heavy eyes and swollen, tender lips.
He shifted, one hand on my ass,and pulled me against him. His hard cock invaded my tender flesh, slipping between my thighs but not entering me.
I gasped and wriggled a little while he laughed, watchingme in torturous silence for a long moment.
“No, Lux. I could keep fucking you for hours, but we need to talk about what the hell happened tonight between us.”
His gaze deepened, reminding me of being in trouble at school, or Rafe telling me off when I broke my first bottle of spirits juggling it behind the bar and missing. He’d laughed while I cried.
I hadn’t changed, biting back the fresh wave of emotion and hooking onto the last remnants of euphoria he’d given me.
“We fucked?” I offered a touch too brightly.
“I would have loved you for you that first time.” He pressed his forehead to mine, looping his arms around me in a bear hug. “I would have done a hundred other things than whip you to the edge of consciousness, then fuck you brutally while tied to a post. I would have changed so many things.”
“Why?” I reached up with tentative fingers, strokingover the deep lines of his mouth. “That was … maybe the best thing I’ve ever experienced. It was true to you. And me,” I added. But I couldn’t deny the romantic image of Killian rising over me, his hair hanging down to shadow his hooded gaze, all ripped muscle and intensity as we had a repeat performance wrapped up in his bed.
“I hurt you.” His eyes filled with remorse.
“I think it would have hurt any waywe tried that one.”
“I would have liked to have known in advance.” His words had a tight, strained edge, and he drew me closer.
“I’m sorry. I should have told you.”
“Yes, you should have.” His finger tipped my chin up. “You didn’t safe word.”
I frowned.“Why would I? As I remember it, I had an incredible mind fuck of an orgasm because youkissed me. I’m not sure that should have been possible.”
“Mind fuck is right.” He dragged a hand over his hair, shoving the longer ends away from his eyes, and groaned.
I moved over his body, running my hands down his back—where the amount of bruises from before became apparent. “Oh my God. Killian. They did this to you because of me.” Tears stung my eyes, twice as bad as they mixed with sweat at the edges and whatever my makeup must have looked like.
“I’m fine. You’re the one who should be freaking out after I basically raped you at a post.”
“Did you see me objecting to your cock?” I asked tartly, slapping his shoulder. Killian winced, but I didn’t bother to apologize.“Look at me,Sir. I offered myself to you. I might have bungled it, but I never intended to hurt you. I sort of thought we would maybe get a moment to talk between acts, but it all sort of flowed one into the other.”
“The best scenes do.” Killian watchedme, and something inside his gaze shuttered. “I think we might need to take the next one slow.”
The warm glow that had surrounded me from the moment I’d woken in his arms died. “How slow?”
“I’m safe wording, Little Bird.” Killian kissed me with the most incredible tenderness, a caress filled with love and care and adoration. “I need out.”
“Oh.” Nothing else came out as he unwound us from the blankets. Killian carried me into the adjoining shower, washing me with warm water, removing my makeup while I clung to his bruised body, desperate to steal every moment of contact with him that I could as my heart shattered in silence between us.
When we were done he dressed me, kissing each mark he’d left on my body, and passed me a tub of arnica cream. I reciprocated, covering his bruises as best I could. Then I helped him into his shirt, buttoning his waistcoat in a parody of something I wanted to do every day for him but might only get to do once.
He hid his winces well, but his arms were strong as he supported myskewed balance back up the stairs.
Rafe and James sat alone at the bar, a fifth of scotch remainingbetween them.
“Ah, my birthday girl.” Rafe shot upright and swayed.
“Damn. I thought the celebrations were for her,” Killian joked. He kept his tone light, though his hand on my back flexed.
“They were. Are. But when you take a life…” Rafe shrugged andthrew back another shot of golden liquor.
He hadn’t been kidding before. I blinked, biting back the question that curled my tongue in my mouth.