Page 32 of Purge
Killianwasn’t half as cautious. “Who?”
“The white-haired bastard who seemed to be leading the mob.” Rafe swiped a hand over his eyes, the lines in his face deep. He looked as tired as I’d ever seen him.
“Jameson,” I whispered. My knees gave out from beneath me.I caught the edge of the bar with clawed fingers as I headed for the floor.
It’s over. It’s done.
Killian’s hands curved beneath my shoulders, hauling me upright against his strong frame. They held a quiet conversation over my head while I let him support me, trying to prevent the swarm of images that invaded my head and failing.
My mother, laid out on the ground, her body torn apart by claw and talon.
Sharpened claws tracing a line across my lower belly.
Jameson’s white hair splashed with red.
Blood. So much freaking blood. Who knew a body could hold so much?
“I want you to take lessons.” Rafe’s face appeared in my line of sight. “You need to be able to fight, Lux. Defend yourself.”
I blinked, reaching for a bartop that wasn’t there to support me.Twisting, I noseplanted into a hard, bare chest that bore at least as many aches as mine.
“You’re okay. I wanted to make sure you didn’t fall.” Killian’s chest rumbled. His arms twined around me, forming a cradle.
I rested my cheek to his shoulder, unableto face his glare, to read the revulsion in his face. They could both blame me for leading death to Fray’s doorstep and threatening the safety of everyone else within the club, and I’d take it. What if it had been Willow? Or her children.
A soul-deep shudder ripped through me, self-loathing hot on its heels.
I might not be able to face Killian, but Rafe deserved my honesty. Sucking in a fortifying breath, I ballsed up. “I’m sorry. This is my fault.”
Rafe growled, the sound filling the bar, and was in myface in an instant. “This isnotyour fault, Lux. These assholes are in plenty of places. It was a matter of time before they ended up here.”
“But they came here and hurt,” I threw a thumb backward over my shoulder, unable to force Killian’s name between my lips, “him because of me. I should—”
I shoved my way forward and pushed away from Killian’s chest.
“No.”Two pairs of hands pressed me back into the protection Killian offered, his arms folding around me in an inescapable cage.
A cage I liked very much.
“No, Little Bird. You don’t get to run from your friends. We l—all care for you.” Killian stiffened as James and Rafe threw suspicious looks over my head. “Your home is here, as long as you want it to be.”
“Thank you.” I ducked my head, tears already tracking my cheeks. My panda-vibe was strong today.
Killian drew me close in silent support as though understanding why I needed to hide.
Rafe coughed into his closed fist. “You need to fight. Well. I don’t have a lot of time, but Killian is excellent. He’ll teach you.”
My head shot up. “No—”
“I—” Killian froze as Rafe fixed both of us with a sharp stare that missed nothing.
“Is there something I need to know?”
My head went back down as more tears escaped.
Killian squeezed me tight. “No problem. We can start tomorrow, if you’re available during the day.”
He spoke to the back of my head as I kept it buried against his chest. Killian alone knew the reason I couldn’t answer while my tears coated his body. What else did I have to do?