Page 31 of Explicit Demands
Kate kept reminding herself that she’d had two bad experiences with men already. She wasn’t about to have another one tonight. Sure, the sex had been good enough for her, but it wasn’t what she was looking for.
Passion, heat, steam. That’s what she was looking for. And none of the previous fucks had been able to provide that. Marcus was close, but he was too macho for her. Kate liked to take control… and that’s exactly what she was going to do.
Chapter thirteen
Three or nothing
Katefeltthedarknessaround her. It was almost stifling, clinging to her body and surrounding her. Pulsing neon lights shot down to the floor in all shapes and colors as she danced in the middle of the room.
There were bodies all around her, knocking into her as they jumped and danced, but she didn’t care. The music was throbbing through her body, the bass taking over her bones and vibrating them into oblivion.
Her hands roamed up and down her body as she swayed beneath the bright lights. Her hips popped from side to side as her hands went up into her hair, grabbing fistfuls of it as she turned and twirled.
Somehow, she had forgotten about her troubles and had let the music take over. With only a couple of drinks inside of her, Kate felt freer than she had in a long time.
All she wanted to do was dance and drink and fuck the night away. That’s exactly what she was going to do. There was plenty of time left on the clock and there were more than enough men.
A couple of them had been eyeing her as she danced. Kate had been watching them coyly, making sure to try to entice them with her fit, toned body.
The dress she was wearing was skimpy at best. It had spaghetti straps that barely held up the thin material over her breasts. It was a dark beige color, matching her skin tone perfectly. At first glance, it looked like she was naked.
Kate always felt sexy in that dress. Men’s eyes were always on her, feeding her already-inflated ego. Sweat dripped down her back as she worked her body, droplets dripping down with the curve of her spine.
It didn’t matter to her, though. All she cared about was having fun. She felt her body moving to the beat around her, her muscles finally getting that sweet release that they so desperately needed.
She could feel eyes on her, eyes from every corner of the room, but Kate didn’t pay them any attention. She knew she could have her pick so she wasn’t going to go home with the first man she saw—she was going to take her time, find one that would be willing to submit to her whims.
This vacation was eye-opening for her. For the last twelve years of her life, she hadn’t had a second thought about men. They hadn’t starred in her life. They just weren’t important.
For whatever reason, now she felt that they were. She needed to get out there and enjoy herself before she dried up. Sure, watching porn was hot and it did the job, but did it compare to connecting with another person? Looking them in the eye while their bodies were intertwined?
Kate obviously thought that wasn’t important at all in the past, but now she wasn’t so sure. All she could do was dance and hope that she attracted someone who was sexually compatible.
Her arms grew tired and shaky, as did her legs. She knew she needed a break, so she wobbled over to the bar to sit down and have a drink. She wasn’t twenty-one anymore—her days of dancing the night away were long behind her, clearly.
As she sipped her vodka on the rocks, she looked around the dim bar, trying to spot an attractive man that she could possibly take home. There were several macho, alpha men eyeing her but she knew they wouldn’t work. They would want to take control and they certainly wouldn’t let Kate defile their bodies like she wanted to.
With her elbows on the bar behind her and her chest pushed out, she stared over the dance floor. Men and women were grinding on each other, sweating into their clothes as they whipped their heads and hips.
It was intoxicating just watching them, smelling them, feeling the music roll through her body. The longer Kate stayed in the club, the more she felt herself getting turned on.
There were so many beautiful bodies. So many men to have her way with. She considered taking one to the restroom and fucking his brains out just so she could clear her head, but she knew that wasn’t a good idea.
She’d already had two misadventures since arriving here. She didn’t want another one. The second fuck with Gerard was fantastic, but the look in his eyes would haunt her. He looked so betrayed and horrified. How could she do that to someone else?
There was no question about it. She had to find someone willing and able to do what she needed. It would make her life a little harder, and a little more complicated, but it would be worth it.
Around the club, she could see several candidates—men that were eyeing her up but were clearly too shy to come up to her and ask her for a dance.
The largest man had arms as big as her head, a huge chest, and a slim waist. His body was sculpted to perfection and it was clearly something he was proud of, since he wore an impossibly tight shirt to show off all those bulging, throbbing muscles.
Just looking at him got Kate wet. What a perfect image of masculinity he was. And yet, he was too afraid to come and talk to Kate. She could see him adoring every inch of her body, it was obvious, but he still wouldn’t come over.
Maybe he won’t,Kate thought.He has an imposing figure. Maybe he doesn’t want to scare women away by lumbering over to them.
Kate thought he would be an easy target, anyway. The women were flocking around him. Some of them looked at least a decade younger than herself. She didn’t need competition tonight.
Her eyes gazed around the club more, looking for eyes on hers, trying to see through the dim light and moving bodies. Finally, she saw two men at the end of the bar. Both of them looked young, young enough to be her sons, but that didn’t bother Kate.