Page 32 of Explicit Demands
She downed the rest of her drink as she sized them up. The boy on the left had a sweet, round face. Everything about him looked soft. His shoulders were rounded and his stomach looked a little full, clearly from drinking too much of that beer he was swigging.
The boy to the right, though, he was the polar opposite. His body was small but firm and he was dressed in a tight tank top to show off his hard work. Of course, the muscles were nothing compared to old barrel chest across the dance floor, but Kate wasn’t into pissing contests.
Both of them looked cute and shy. They only made themselves look younger as they began to bicker amongst each other as they stared over at her. Clearly, they are arguing over who was coming over to talk to her.
Kate smirked and decided to make the decision easier for them. She set her empty glass on the bar and slipped off the stool. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see both boys grab onto one another as their mouths popped open.
They stayed there for a second, completely shocked that Kate had the audacity to move while they were fighting over her, before scrambling into movement. They shoved their arms into each other as they tried to slip off the stools as well.
Kate wanted to roll her eyes at their severe childishness but it didn’t matter. They wouldn’t be behaving childishly for long, not if she had her way.
She swayed her hips as she walked toward them, making sure to look through her eyelashes and make eye contact with both the boys. They stopped, stock-still, as they gawked at her approaching.
When Kate was within touching distance, she reached out and squeezed both of their upper arms.
“Let me buy you boys a drink,” she said, straining her voice to be heard over the pulsing music.
Both of them tittered and laughed as they sat back down into their seats, clearly unable to believe their luck. Kate raised her arm over their heads and motioned at the bartender for two more drinks.
When she was sitting down beside them with her vodka in hand, she started trying to get all the information out of them that she needed. They were twenty-six and twenty-nine, with the pudgier of the two being the younger. The older man was Alessandro, here from Spain with his best friend, Fabian.
Kate couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. She wanted them both and she knew that these self-proclaimed best friends were unlikely to go with it. Men got so testy being naked around other men they knew well.
“You boys are very cute,” Kate said, smiling as widely as she could as she nibbled on the straw dunked into her drink. “So very cute.”
“As are you,” Fabian said quickly.
“I’d say sexy,” Alessandro added.
“So very sexy,” Fabian agreed.
Both of them were leaning forward in their seats, edging as close to her as they could get. It was a good sign. Kate could basically see them starting to drool over her.
“How about we go somewhere more private?” she asked. “Just us three?”
The boys broke out into a deep grin before realizing what she was saying. They glanced at one another, their smiles fading.
“Both of us?” Fabian asked. “Alessandro too?”
“That’s what three means,” Kate smirked. “You, and me, and Alessandro.”
Their eyes bulged out of their sockets. They looked between each other, their dark, oiled hair glistening in the neon lights above. They weren’t going to go for it. Kate felt the disappointment wash through her like the ocean, cold and biting.
She ignored them as they spoke amongst themselves, suddenly feeling bored and rejected. That wasn’t a way that Kate liked to feel. She’d chosen them out of everyone else in the bar and they were going to turn her down.
A challenge, Kate thought.I should make it a challenge.
As she sat there, she tried to figure out how to convince these boys to come with her. If she said she just wanted to talk to them, to get to know them better, then they might agree. Once she had them out of the club and somewhere private, she could convince them in… other ways.
Kate touched each of their arms, gently caressing their skin, grabbing their attention immediately. They stopped talking and looked to her, their eyes wide and eager.
“I just want to talk,” Kate purred at them. “Get to know you better. That’s all.”
Somehow, the words worked like magic on the boys. Within a second they were eager to follow her out of the club. Kate may as well have been a big, shiny lure dumped into the middle of a big lake. They followed her so willingly it was almost laughable.
Outside, the air was cool against all of Kate’s bare skin. She instantly felt all the sweat on her body turn cold, sending shivers through her body. It felt nice compared to the stifling, sweaty heat indoors.
When the boys were outside behind her, she linked arms with them and began to walk with them, heading toward the hotel. Neither of them seemed to mind her taking the lead. It was a good sign.