Page 11 of Severu
“Really?” I ask without thinking it through.
Her gaze clashes with mine. We watch each other for long moments.
“I could show you unless you’re afraid a girl will kick your ass.”
I raise a brow at her.
“Where did you leave your Springfield Hellcat when you came out to swim?”
The shock that she knows I carry a gun around with me would have been enough, but for her to know exactly what type of gun is astonishing. “How do you know about my gun?” I narrow my eyes at her over the table.
“I saw it the first night at Nocturn when you sat at the bar.” She smirks. Lira has had quite a few beers and has relaxed enough to enjoy herself. “Tailored suits don’t do much to hide a concealed weapon.”
The way she says it sets my teeth on edge. I’m not sure why, but it grates on my nerves. I don’t have any time to examine the thought though, because Guilia is already interjecting.
“Come on, Severu! Go get your gun.” She laughs. “I would love to see someone kick your ass.”
Everyone around the table is smiling and nodding, so I give in. Andrea has taken Jennifer into the house for a bath, so we won’t scare her. Let’s see what this girl can do. Or if she just has a big mouth.
Chapter Eleven
“You know you just poked the bear, right?” Alceu asks.
“He is the most intensely competitive person I know. I hope you can back up the challenge you threw out,” Mancuso replies.
I don’t say anything, just smile a little wider. I know that I can. Everyone around the table laughs before breaking out into cheers as Severu makes his way back outside. He grabs five empty beer bottles, makes his way over to the wall, and places them in a row.
“Ladies first.” He hands me his 9mm as I reach the spot where he is standing.
I check the magazine, flick off the safety, aim, and shoot. The first shot connects with the bottle, sending glass flying. The smell of gunpowder hits me, and I smile like a loon. I fire four more shots, hitting each bottle. Afterward, I release a breath, flick the safety back on, and hand the gun back to Severu.
“Fuck,” he mutters lowly before turning around and disappearing back into the house. I turn toward the group behind me with a confused look on my face.
“No idea,” Guilia says. “But if I were you, I’d go kick his ass.”
For the longest moment, I stand staring at her. She is right. Fuck this. I turn on my heel and stalk over the lawn into the house. I have no idea where he could have gone, but I head toward his bedroom first. He can’t keep me here under false pretenses, not talk to me all week, challenge me to a shoot-out, and then just walk away.
When I get to his room, I don’t knock. I just barge right in. I don’t see him, but when he speaks, I know he is in the en-suite bathroom.
“Get the fuck out!” he calls.
Instead of listening to what he says, I slam the door and walk toward his voice.
“What was that?” I ask as soon as I can see him leaning over the basin with his arms braced on the counter.
“Are you deaf?” he replies without looking at me. “I said get out.”
“Yeah, well, we don’t always get what we want.”
“No shit,” he grumbles.
“What is your fucking problem?” I throw my hands up in the air.
“You. You are my fucking problem.” He finally faces me, and his eyes are burning.