Page 40 of War of the Mazza
“Won’t those horses be tired?” The rear ends of the horses were soapy from a hard run.
Sage pointedly looked around. “And what fresh horses do we have here that haven’t been ridden hard?”
Okay, fine. He was just an asshole and I needed to accept it.
“Fancy a hike?” I snarked.
“I wouldn’t mind a hike,” Rand said as he caught my hand and brought it to his lips. “But I don’t think that will meet the timeframe Yunez requires. Too much could happen before we even get there.”
Even though he disagreed, he did it in a way that melted my heart.
“Man, you have got to stop making us look bad. Between you and Yunez, you two have too much going for you.” Jari shook his head but winked when he caught me looking.
I jerked my head around. I could have sworn I heard something.
The guys glanced around too, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The cooks were across the clearing, quietly talking to each other as they prepared the food. Yunez and the others couldn’t be heard or seen anymore.
Loud breathing of the horses, and the swish of their tails joined in the natural symphony but that was it.
“Over here.”
The sheen of Cabbie’s dark hair caught my eye before I even realized what I was looking at. A few Cherries, ones I weren’t familiar with, stood sentinel at his back.
“Think we’re supposed to go over and talk to him?” Jari scratched the back of his head as he squinted. A teasing smile flirted with the edges of his lips. He dropped his hand and some of his blond hair mussed from the rough movement.
“I think, yes.” Rand tugged my hand as he walked toward Cabbie.
“Word on the street is, you need a way to get to Aamori’s stronghold?” Cabbie’s eyes twinkled as he glanced to his two Cherries and then back to us.
It seemed they were at least in warrior mode, dressed in tight plasticky spandex jumpsuits. I was glad they saw the practicality in not wearing the floss suits on a mission. The idea of thorns and abrasive twigs having access to the nether regions just made me cringe.
“That is the word. Tell me you have something up your sleeve that’s not five more hours on horseback. I don’t think my thighs would take it.” I shook my head ruefully. “And Yunez gave us a four hour limit anyway.”
“Oh honey,” one redheaded Cherry stepped forward and grazed her fingertips up the outer edge of my thigh, stopping just under the swell of my cheek. “Your thighs are shaking. We have some exercises we can show you to really get your endurance up. Thigh muscles are your best friend in the pleasure industry. It’s all about those fast twitch muscles, right?”
Jari choked on his spit while Sage glared at the hand almost on my ass. Rand just raised his eyebrows like he was unsure what the appropriate reaction should have been.
“Thank you. After we save Fennina, I might take you up on that.” I cleared my throat. Yes, this was slightly embarrassing, but I did have six mates. I needed to be able to please them all.
Hell, who was I kidding. I needed to be able to please myself.
“Pencil us in.” She winked.
“Okay, Diya, that’s enough flirting. She’s got enough cocks to keep her busy.” Cabbie rolled his eyes as the guys giggled like tweens. “Let’s get out of here so we can get to Aamori’s and back.”
He turned and strutted through the woods as if it wasn’t littered with branches, twigs and hazardous rocks. After tripping over all of those things in various order, he stopped, and turned around, elegantly spreading his arms to the side.
“I’d like to draw your attention to the stones.”
I dropped my gaze to his crotch, but Sage poked my side. “He means the actual stones behind him, not his balls.” His hot breath whispered over my ear, and I burned in embarrassment.
“Mine are rather impressive, but Sage is right. These stones are like mini Waesarises, except they’re not as powerful. They can’t traverse the realms, doll, but they can get us to Aamori’s.”
“What? How do you know about these?” I stepped forward and pressed my fingertips to the cool surface. They didn’t give off any vibrations or anything that suggested they were objects of power. If I had walked through here alone, I would have disregarded them all together.
“Lounivais my city. I know as much or more about it and its residents than Aamori does. These beauties were created by a man who detests her with a passion. She doesn’t even know they litter her land so no part of her territory is inaccessible to him and his friends.” His white teeth flashed.