Page 41 of War of the Mazza
“And you’re one of these friends?” Jari looked at Cabbie in new appreciation. I got it. I appreciated the hell out of Cabbie right then too.
“Of course, he’s one of the regular patrons of the Stag room. I’ve even tried to recruit him a time or two, but servicing others is not his thing.” The wistful smile on Cabbie’s face let me know exactly how good this mystery man was at servicing someone else.
“Mmhmm,” I hummed and nodded slowly.
“Alright, lovers. You know what to do.” He whipped out a machete knife he’d hidden somewhere under his silky clothing and sliced his palm. Rand sliced his left hand at the same time, and they slapped their hands on the stone.
A slow, whirring vibration filled the air as a turquoise blue glow surrounded the space between the two boulder sized rocks. This was the power I’d been looking for before.
“You two go first, I’ll bring up the rear. We have to protect the Mazza.” Cabbie motioned to the two women who nodded and stepped through the field.
I grabbed Sage’s hand, and he gulped. When he glanced at me, his eyes were wide but determined.
“Together?” He whispered.
“Together,” I quietly returned. Jari and Rand both nodded. They’d come after us, but Sage would go over with me.
We took four long strides forward, then we were through the portal. It was like we stepped through a fine mist, that evaporated with our next breath.
Well, this was a surprise. Was Aamori so removed that she had no idea the portal connected right to the bedroom Theon had so kindly shown us to when we were here before?
The Cherries stood at the open door, watching the hallway with faces set in stone. Pun intended.
“This is unexpected,” Jari whistled as he glanced around. “But welcome.Definitelya welcome surprise.”
“Right?” Sage agreed.
Once we were all together, we turned collectively to Cabbie.
Did he know the mission Yunez sent us on? Just how much could he hear when I thought Yunez had blocked the sound?
“Well, what are you waiting for? Go get what you came for.” Cabbie waved his hands like we were wasting his time.
We exchanged a glance, then we raced out of the room. I said raced, but really, I let Rand and Jari lead the way. From the one time I was here, I wouldn’t be able to get to the dining hall. So, I followed at a steady jog.
The halls were completely empty as our footsteps and breathing echoed off the stone. Before, there had been dozens of people milling about, and with it so empty, an eerie feeling crept down my spine.
“Is it just me, or should Aamori have left a few guards here to protect this place?” I huffed as we rounded a corner.
Sage furrowed his brow as he turned to get a look behind us. “It is odd.”
“Agreed,” Rand and Jari both chimed in together.
We slowed to a cautious walk as we entered the hall.
This time, there were no tables, no throne. Nothing to alert us our presence to anyone that had stayed behind. We were the only souls in the place.
It was weird.
And felt like a trap.
“This is it, huh?” Sage stepped forward and pressed his hand on the stone. “Shit!” He jumped back as soon as his fingers touched the surface. “What the hell? It didn’t do that the last time I was here.” He shook out his hand.
“Do what?” Jari asked as he touched the stone statue with his index finger. "Fuck!” He pulled his hand back, shaking it out just like Sage had.
“What? You couldn’t take my word for it?” Sage asked drily as he blew cool air on his palm.
Jari shrugged. “I have a higher pain tolerance than you do. I thought you were being dramatic.”