Page 57 of War of the Mazza
I stroked the back of his head as I waited for his pounding heart to settle. But would it? There was only so much I could say to comfort him. And really, everything he said was true. Nothing was certain. Fate doesn’t make promises. Yunez saw that in his sight. I didn’t have more than a drop of experience with the sight and I understood it.
“We have to do this. We don’t have a choice, Sage. If we don’t, who’s to say we would even be able to live the life we want. The Fiasla Mannos could see us as a threat to their power and try to either kill us or imprison us. What’s the thing you want most about the future we could have?”
A tremble ran through him. “When I think about our future, I think of raising a family together. I think of building what was taken from me.”
I almost made a breeding kink joke, but he raised his head, and I couldn’t. There was too much hope and uncertainty in his eyes.
“How many kids do you want?” I asked.
He slid his arms under my shoulders and rolled his hips. “Hmm. How many would you be willing to have?”
I blinked. Did he have a breeding kink? “Uh, I’m not sure. A couple I guess.”
“You know we’re all going to want to have a little mini me. We’ll love all the kids, but I want one to look like me. We need at least six. Maybe seven.”
“Say what now?”
He started smirking and his eyes twinkled.
“I’m kidding. Kind of. How about we have this conversation after the war is over and we’re all feeling…lusty.”
I outright laughed. “You all aren’t called the lusty legion for nothing.”
“What do you say, I help you get some energy back, and then we go take care of the statue and get back to the rest of our family.”
My breath caught. I loved that we had built a family already. With or without kids, we had a family, but if that was what would make Sage happy, I could do kids. I wouldn’t mind a little light green eyed, brown haired child who looked like Sage. I’d even take a tiny asshole, because I wasn’t sure he could produce anything else.
Sage rolled his hips again, hitting that sweet spot. As I start to moan, he pushed away from me and moved down my body. Kissing a scorching path along the way, he massaged my thighs, pushing them apart as he settled between them.
I couldn’t really move my head, but if I could have, I would have thrown in back from the ecstasy of the first touch of tongue to my clit.
“Remember the first time we were together?” He murmured as he swirled his tongue around the bundle of sensitive nerves.
“Mmm.” It was emotional, fierce, and perfect. I wouldn’t have it any other way. And it all worked out in the end, didn’t it?
“Consider this my apology.” He dipped his head and rocked my fucking world. Sucking, licking, kissing. A glorious alternation to really push every hot button I didn’t even know I had. Soon, he pushed one finger inside me, curling up and hitting the g-spot. Then it was two fingers.
What I could only describe as magic started to trickle through my body as I made embarrassingly kittenish noises. There was no doubt in my mind he knew exactly what he was doing to me. I gave it all away. I didn’t even try to hide my enjoyment.
Warmth flooded my core as strength traveled through my body. It wasn’t a shock to the system like I expected. More like waking up. Getting back what I’d lost by pushing too much of my power at Lavi.
Waves of bliss crashed over me as he performed a specific movement and stuck to it. I gripped his hair, rhythmically curling my toes as I screamed.
My vision blacked out for a few precious seconds while I panted.
Oh my hell. Sage wrecked me. When the last tremor wracked my body, I opened my eyes to find Sage pressing his cheek against my thigh, looking up at me as if I was everything to him.
“I love you,” I breathed. Actually, it came out garbled and something like ‘uh wuv yu’. Hopefully, he knew what I was trying to say.
“I love you too,” he said solemnly.
Sucking in a breath, I combed my fingers through his hair, fixing the damage I had done.
“How do you feel?”
How did I feel? Pretty damn good. And back to normal. Mostly. Except stronger. “Okay.”
He grinned. The fucker knew I was totally downplaying what he just did. “You know something good to come out of this?”