Page 58 of War of the Mazza
“Something good came of this?” My mood took a tiny dive. I couldn’t think of anything good about Lavi’s emotion fueled attack.
“Oh yeah.” The grin widened into a smile. Did he come too just now? Because there was no reason he should be this happy. “Did you hump the bed?”
“What?” His face twisted up in confusion. Still hot. “No,” he said with a scowl. “I did not hump the bed. I have you, and I would never lower myself to something so…. desperate.” He scoffed, and for a second, I saw some Rand and Yunez’s formal influence shining through.
“Then why are you smiling.”
Just like that, he was once again grinning like a lunatic. “You’ve used your powers a couple times in the last twenty-four hours. That means that you’re coming into yourself.”
“Are you sure it’s not just the statue?” I bit my bottom lip. I had accessed my powers easily. But what was different this time? Before, they manifested mostly when we were in danger. Could Lavi threatening Rand have been enough to trigger it?
“Maybe that’s part of it, but you’re stronger, surer of yourself. I can feel the power rising inside you.” He seemed downright giddy.
“Oh shit. We have to move and take the statue with us! Who knows when the next wave of attacks will come!” I yelled and threw him off of me with more strength that I thought I had. Sage wasn’t a child, but I literally tossed him aside like one.
He groaned and sat up on the bed. “What was that for?”
“We’ve been too lax! That’s how Lavi found us in the first place! Who knows who she’s working with and who she shared our location with! Yunez stressed the importance of that fucking rock and we need to get out of here!” I scrambled out of bed and searched for clothes.
“Wait!” Sage caught my arm as I ran past him, and I jerked to a halt.
“What?” I yelled. “I’m sorry. I just realized we have things to do.” I cleared my throat and stuffed my boob back in my bra when he released my arm.
“Lavi was working independently. Cabbie had his Cherries interrogate her and she did give up that information. And their form of torture?” He shivered. “Let’s say Rand couldn’t watch it for a multitude of reasons.”
“Oh, God.” I laughed, then covered my mouth. It was so inappropriate. I was blaming my slap happy state. And the Cherries? With their sex toy weapons. I could only guess what they did to Lavi to make her talk.
“Yeah…” Sage drew out as he scratched the back of his head and looked toward the door. “So don’t worry about anyone finding out we’re here. She didn’t have any connections to the Fiasla Mannos. And Rainer apparently kept her pretty far out of his business. I’m not sure if they were a love match…” His voice went high. “But it seems she was more of a trophy wife than anything else.”
“Okay, that’s good. Right?” It felt weird to say that, but we really needed a freaking break. He didn’t answer, and I awkwardly changed the subject. “Let’s go get the statue. Then we’ll be ready to blow this joint.”
“Never mind,” I said as I snatched clean clothes I hoped were for me off the back of a chair.
“Like I said, we have nothing to worry about,” Sage reassured me as he opened the door.
As Jari raced up the hallway, I had one thought and one thought only.
“Famous last words,” I mumbled to myself.
Jari skidded to a halt.
“Um… Iss. That’s uh… I like it.” The corners of his lips twitched as he flicked his gaze down my body and back up again.
I glanced down right as Sage began snickering. “Oh hell!”
In my panic to get something on, while simultaneously trying to get Sage to light a fire under his ass and help me save the world—okay, maybe I was also enjoying the moment we’d had too—I had donned something very similar to a floss outfit. Only, think ripped spandex instead.
Yup, that was under boob cleavage showing. Was that a term? I was making it one.
“This is what was in the room, damn it!” I snarled and stomped by him. There was one person I could thank for that. The person who had stared at my bare ass while I was trying to become one with the mattress.
“Issy, you don’t even know why I was running up to get you,” Jari called after me, a note of the worry popping into his voice that had been in his face.
Oh yeah. He had looked terrified when we stepped out into the hallway. I hope another group of random enemies weren’t suddenly trying to break down the doors.
I turned, pasted a blank look on my face to try and hide my earlier irritation. “What’s wrong?”