Page 88 of Monster's Obsession
"It can’t be that bad if she made it,” offered Ash, leaning over and grabbing a spoonful of the dish.
As soon as the spoon slid past his lips, he was gagging and spitting it out as well. I snorted as Tempest and Seven both had the same reactions. I exchanged an amused glance with Steele and shrugged my shoulders. "More for us," I drawled, scooping more of it onto my plate unrepentantly as the others stared in disgust. At least I'd gotten sex off their minds. Now they were thinking about how gross my macaroni and cheese was.
They eventually resumed eating their other dishes, but they weren’t really talking to one another. I shot Steele a look and he rolled his eyes, but finally, he set his utensil down.
"So, Creed, been fishing lately?"
Creed froze, staring at Steele incredulously. The question was so ridiculous considering everything that had happened since Steele’s return, and I started laughing hysterically. Tears were streaming down my face. I just couldn’t think of a more crazy question he could’ve asked.
Ash started laughing next, the sound of it playful and fun, like he was. The rest of them followed suit, and suddenly, all six of us were almost falling out of our chairs. The laughter was extremely overdone for the question Steele had asked, but it was like we were all releasing our locked-up emotions at once.
It was an amazing thing, but after we'd finally calmed down, the conversation went much more easily. Creed even joked with Steele about how he’d managed to convince humans he was actually a therapist when he was so messed up in the head himself.
I knew I was watching all of them with a stupid grin on my face, but I couldn't help it. The scene gave me hope for the first time that maybe the six of us could work, that Steele and the others could coexist peacefully, and maybe even be friends again someday. My insides swooned when I saw Creed and Steele exchanging an amused glance after Tempest said something assholish, and I realized they were sharing an inside joke that they'd probably had before.
Both of them quickly glanced away when they realized what they’d been doing, but it was a start.
It was the perfect day, and I did in fact finish the entire pot of macaroni and cheese.
And I loved every bite of it.
Just like I loved every bit of them.
Ishould get some kind of warning before my men burst into my room like charging bulls.
Half the time, I jumped out of my skin, half expecting to find out it was the end of the world. Over time, I’d learned that their actions were normal monstrous behaviors. Not an emergency reaction. I couldn’t really tell the difference.
So, when Ash charged into my room like the city was on fire, I didn’t panic but kept on combing my hair, well aware we had a date today. Or more like he would be showing me the city so I became familiar with my surroundings should I find myself lost.
Feeding was still a huge issue and something that Creed was working on by attempting to source temporary feeding energy for the population from the neighboring city if things didn’t improve.
In the meantime, the sex marathons continued, and somehow, amid the darkness, I started to feel a tiny sliver of hope that maybe…we’d find a way to fix everything.
My gorgeous monsters were coming together again. Well, except for Tempest, but I was still holding out hope for him after our night at the sex club. I’d seen a new side to him there. One that scared me, but also made me want to patch things up between us.
“I have a surprise for you,” Ash announced, and only then did I notice he was holding a wicker basket, which looked strangely delicate held by such a muscular man.
“We’re going on a picnic?” I asked, suddenly excited for our outing.
“It’s the location that’ll be the surprise.”
I strolled over to him, staring at the basket, curious what a monster packed in a picnic basket, but he pulled it away from me. “Then I’m ready to go.”
And with that response, he took my hand and whirled me out of the room, me dropping my comb behind me.
For a change, the sky shone a lighter hue of red, and strangely, the city was starting to feel familiar, like I knew my way across nearby bridges and belonged there. It wasn't as though I had a welcoming party to return back to earth. Wyld was growing on me with each passing day. Even the oppressive heat from the lava was becoming normal, which was saying a lot.
“Maybe we should have asked the others to join us,” I suggested, walking hand in hand with Ash.
“That wasn't going to happen, beautiful one. I couldn’t sleep last night in anticipation of our day together, thinking of where to take you, and exactly where I was going to kiss you.”
I raised my eyebrows, smiling at him, even if he couldn’t see. “You were planning where to kiss me?” I snorted.
“Oh, did you think we were only kissing?” he said. “That’s just the taster. We’re definitely going to fuck too,” he muttered, loud enough that the couple slithering past glanced at us, nodding at me with encouragement to get it done already.