Page 89 of Monster's Obsession
I laughed at Ash because he was adorable.
But having the whole city pushing me to keep having sex was something I’d never get used to. There were still riots in areas, but with our increased sex workouts, the population felt a slight increase in the trickle of feeding, so they knew we were trying. Though I wasn’t sure we could take it up to the next level without me permanently having a dick inside me.
We strolled onward, past pod-like towers, crossing all manner of bridges, and most of the monsters we passed kept a wide berth.
Ash suddenly drew me into a black tower and into an elevator, where we soon emerged into a foyer made of marble, and I immediately recognized the place.
“Oh, we’re going back to the lake? Where you said it was illegal to swim in clothes. I love that place.”
“Not quite.” He drew me against him and walked me right past the entrance to the lake, while I kept glancing back, pouting.
I rolled my eyes at him, and he chuckled, drawing my hand to his mouth. “Just because I can’t see what you’re doing, don’t assume I can’t tell when you’re rolling your eyes.”
“How do you know I’m doing anything?” I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Heightened senses, and I pick up on the smallest of sounds like your mouth parting…that sweet tongue sliding out.”
When he drew us into another foyer made of stone and decorated with suspended faux moths, a spider guard quickly greeted us, bowing down as long as its front, spidery legs allowed.
“Welcome, sir. Your reserved spot is ready for you.”
My skin crawled at being that close to that huge, bulbous black body, with thin legs covered in spiky hair, a tiny head with dozens of eyes, and fangs that seemed to be dripping green venom on the floor.
I bumped into Ash in my attempt to be as far from the guard as possible because they really freaked me out.
With a chuckle under his breath, Ash drew me into a dimly lit hallway that seemed to go forever.
“You really dislike the guards, don’t you? They won’t harm you and they keep you protected.”
“I know, but they look like the creepy crawly spiders we have back home, and everyone hates them. They bite and are venomous. I would kill any one I came across, smacking it with my shoe.”
He made a gasping sound. “How hard did you strike it for it to die from a single hit of your shoe? They’re known for having especially hard heads.”
I bumped my shoulder into his arm playfully. “They’re not huge like these ones, or everyone on earth would have already burned down the planet and moved to live on Mars. They’re as small as my palm. Some are tinier…but did you hear me say they carry venom in their fangs and can kill you?”
His nose scrunched up. “And you’re scared of something that small?”
“You have no idea,” I rasped with a shiver running down my back. “They love hiding in cars and jumping out at you, crawling through your window, and living in your shoes. And sometimes they even charge at you when they’re threatened.”
Ash was hollering with laughter. “Humans are such a fearful race.”
I slapped his arm. “Trust me, if you encountered one, you’d scream like a baby.”
“Highly doubtful. I’d pick it up and eat it.”
Okay, I wasn’t expecting that response.
At the end of the hallway, he pushed open a set of doors and an explosion of light poured over us. We stepped outside into a lush, green park. A field of yellow and purple flowers spread out as far as the eye could see. Trees peppered the grounds, bursting with reddish leaves, the branches laden with violet, globe-like fruits.
Please let them be plums.
There were a few monsters in the garden too, walking around, others under trees, and one couple with long beaks were kissing super awkwardly.
But aside from that, I was in heaven.
“Wow,” I gushed, enjoying the light breeze ruffling the skirt of my dress, the freshness in the air, the scenery. I might have stepped through the Narnia wardrobe because this felt like a completely different world. “This is so beautiful.”
Releasing Ash’s hand, I rushed forward, running through the flowers, wanting to know why I hadn’t known this place existed until now. Twisting around on the spot, I called out to Ash who strolled towards a spot up on a small hill by a massive tree overflowing with branches and those purple fruit. I chased after him.