Page 50 of Lyrics of Her
Not tonight, anyway.
The early morning sun wakes me from a groggy sleep, but it feels nice on my face, and the blue sky outside my bedroom window makes me smile. Or maybe my smile has less to do with the change in weather and more to do with the fact that for the first time since I moved to New York City, I haven’t felt so alone.
When we got back to my apartment last night, Reed was really quiet. He seemed distracted, torn up about something. But when I asked him what was wrong, he simply said he had a few things on his mind and it was nothing to worry about.
Of course, I told him Iwasn’t worriedand he gave me a chin tip and told me toshut up.
Same shit, different day.
I sat on the couch, snagged a cushion, and shoved it behind my head, getting extra comfortable with a blanket over my legs while Reed opened eight different bags filled with heavenly sweetness, and or, salty goodness.
We watched the first episode of the second series, and then we watched the next one after that and the next one after that too, without uttering a single word to one another.
The Fallis so freaking captivating, and every episode had us on the edge of our seats. Reed covered his eyes with a cushion at one stage, asking me to tell him when he could look again. I told himnowat a particularly gruesome part and I swear he squealed, but he wouldn’t admit it when I burst out laughing.
Instead, he hit me with the fucking pillow.
He didn’t touch me the whole night. Not like I was hoping he might touch me. And I didn’t touch him, either, but I swear there were times when I got the feeling he wanted me to touch him.
It was undeniable, there was something heavy in the air that sat right there on the couch between us. Sexual tension, so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Reed would look over at me from time to time, and then he’d grumble something under his breath and look away again as if he was frustrated with me, or maybe he was frustrated with himself. It was hard to tell, but when he put his hands behind his head and leaned back on the couch, comfortable under the thick doona from my bed, I realized how nice it was having some company for a change, relaxed and easy, instead of just hanging out alone in my cold, dank apartment.
Six episodes later, I yawned and stretched my arms above my head, and Reed took that as his cue to leave. I cleared up the empty bowls and then took a long, hot shower before I climbed into bed and called it a night.
The following day…
Reed: You got plans today?
Me: Updating my website. And saving drafts for socials.
Reed: Sounds fun.
Me: It’s not. You probably have people for that, don’t you?
Reed: We have people for everything.
Me: Lucky you!
Reed: Have a good day.
Me: Okeydokey.
Reed: That’s not a word.
Me: Of course it is. Look it up. I’m busy. Go away.
Reed: Over and out.
Me: Cringe. You seriously didn’t just say that.
Reed: What?
Me: Over and out? How old are you again?
Reed: Old enough to show you a few things. At the studio right now, and Nick just walked in. Gotta go.